To Kill a Mockingbird 8B

Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sam Bautista Blog Post

In the final chapter of To kill a Mockingbird, Scout first started talking about Boo radley. She was talking about how he was uncomfortable at her house at he did not know what to do, she then said that it was incredible that she have never seen him before, and there he was sitting next to her. She then asked him if she would like to say goodnight to jem, she then led him towards jem’s room, and scout told him that he could pet jems head if he wanted, he did then he squeezed scouts hand saying he wanted to go. While she was walking him he told her in a whisper if she could walk him home, she did but she did it in a way that it looked like Arthur was being a gentleman , and walking her home, after she dropped him off at his home she never saw him again. Scout then started saying all the things that have happened in the book lead to this moment, she then looked at the neighborhood, in Arthur’s perspective and she started naming the people that live in those houses. She went back home, and saw that atticus is reading a book next to jem, and she asked if she could join, and he said yes, she fell asleep short after, and when she was nudged by atticus to go to her own room she started saying what was going on in the book, and the final sentence was from Atticus saying that everyone is kind once you meet them.

My thoughts on this chapter was that it was written really well, I liked the part at the end when she was talking about the book that Atticus was reading, and how similar the story was to Boo Radley. I also liked the part when she saw her neighborhood in a new perspective, Boo’s perspective. The Final line in the book from Atticus were really well written, and how good it matches with Boo Radley. How at the end when scout finally met him, and it turned out that no rumor was true about him, and how he is just a nice person. One thing I don’t like about this chapter is that it doesn’t say what happened afterwards with the problem with Bob, what about his children are they going to be okay?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Last Week Of TKAM

This week we Finished the book To "Kill A Mockingbird" I’m sad that I will not be able to read more about the adventures of Scout and the rest of the people in Maycomb. On the other hand I’m excited to see the movie and move on to another book. I think that this book had many great characters that added to the story in many different ways. Overall I think that my favorite that my favorite charter was Jem. He was very relatable because of his age and the things that he had to go through during the book. Many main scenes of Jem are about him trying to impress someone, be a role model, and act like someone that he is not.
One of my favorite moments was when Jem went to go the Radley’s house because he left his pants. This just shows how much Jem cares about his father and wouldn’t want to let him down. Another one of my favorite moments is when Jem stayed with his father after he told him to take Dill, and Scout home. Once again another example of true courage. I can relate to him trying to fit in with people and trying to make them proud.
During the book I also like that there were many scenes where Jem was shown crying. Guys in book and movies are usually depicted like they should not cry and if they do they are weak. I don’t think that this is true. Holding in all of your emotions will just make the situation worse. In one of the first chapters Scout says that Jem would cry about the death of their mother. This reminded me of how Darry from the outsiders didn’t cry at his parents funeral. He was ]probably trying to show his brothers how strong he is but they just thought he was emotionless while Scout feels bad for Jem and wants to comfort him.

TKAM Chapter 31

        We finally see Boo at the end of TKAM. Scout thought at first that Boo was a countryman, but then she saw it was Boo. He has very pale skin, white clammy hands, he is very thin, gray eyes, and he has whitish, thin hair. Boo saved Scout and Jem when Bob was trying to kill them. Boo is Scout's and Jem's hero. Boo was watching them the whole time, since chapter 1 and some of the events that show this are gifts in the knot hole, covering Scout with a blanket, Sewed Jem's pants, he opened the shutters, he was laughing at Scout when she ran up with a tire, he was the shadow when Scout, Jem, and Dill peeked in the window, he wanted to say hi, but he got scared, and he saved Scout's and Jem's lives. All he wanted to do was to make a friend, so that is why he watched Scout and Jem. Boo killed Bob out of self-defense to save Scout and Jem. Boo may have a mental disability and he may enjoy the company of children. Nobody has gotten the time to understand Boo because it is the 1930s. When the Finch family, Heck Tate, and Boo were on the porch, Boo asked Scout to walk him home. Boo's voice sounds like a scared child. They walked to Boo's house and when Boo walked into his house, Scout never saw Boo again.
           I liked the book because this book has teached me a lot of moral lessons and one of them is doing the right thing. I will try doing the right thing even when it is hard. I knew if I do this, this will make me better as a person. This book is one of my favorite books because it has taught me many things that I can use in the future. I will try to use these things that I have learned from the book and use them because I want to be a better person in the future. I like how there was foreshadowing of what was going to happen in the book. I thought that this was also a fun book because there was some funny events that happened and there were some funny lines in the book. I can take many things from this book and I am going to miss this book.

I'm Going to Miss You TKAM

In the last chapter in TKAM was when Boo Radley was there and Scout ask Boo if he wanted to say goodnight to Jem. Then Scout led Boo to Jem's room and Aunt Alexandra was there and she said that he can come in because Dr. Reynolds gave Jem a heavy sedative. Then Aunt Alexandra went to the living room because she wanted to talk with Atticus. Then Scout hold Boos hand and Boo let her, then Scout led him to Jem's room and then Scout told Boo that he can pet Jem because he was a sleep. Then Boo did pet him in the head and in that part I was very happy.

Then Boo ask Scout if he could take him home and then Scout said that he sounded like a child that was afraid of the dark. Then Scout led Boo to his house and when they got there they both walk to the steps and then Boo grab the doorknob and then went in  and shut the door behind him. Then Scout said that she never saw Boo Radley again. Then when Boo when inside the house, Scout put herself in his shoes and saw what happened through the whole book in Boo's perspective. Then Scout said that Atticus was right that you really never know someone if you step in his shoes. Then she went back home, and Scout was making his way home and then Scout went to Jem's room and Atticus was their and Jem was still sleeping and Scout wanted to stay with them and Atticus let her.

Then Scout ask Atticus on what he was reading and the book was called The Gray Ghost. Then Scout told Atticus if he could read the book to her and he did. Then when Atticus was reading, Scout fell asleep. Then when Scout woke up, Atticus was waking Scout to her room and Scout said he heard every word Atticus said. Then Scout told Atticus about the end of the story and Scout said that there was this Pearson name stoner boy and people assume bad things about them and at the end when they met him, he did not do all of those bad things., just like Boo.

In my opinion the book was good and I like how Boo went in Jem's room and put his hand over his hair and it showed how good of a person he really is and. That part also made me happy like I said before. The part when Boo told Scout if she could take him home made me sad just because in the way Scout described it. Then the last time we see Boo is when he went inside his house and it made me sad too because he was a good person and I just don't like how people assume bad things about him even though they never met him. In my opinion I like how Harper Lee put an example of another character in a different book with Boo.

The End of TKAM

We have finished the book "To Kill a Mockingbird", and it had a lot to say in the final chapter. In this last chapter, Boo had finally spoken for the first ever in this book. He told Scout that if she could walk him home, but he had said it in a softer silent voice. We think that Boo has a mental disorder that makes him act like a child, and Boo is more comfortable to be with children like Scout, Boo just wants a friend to hang out with because he is lonely. All of the stereotypes of Boo are false, he is just a shy person with the mind of a three year old. People think that he is scary, and they make rumors about him, even though Boo is the one that is scared. Also when Boo said the one line in the book, it also tells us that he is scared of everyone, and the only thing that makes him comfortable, is to be friends or around children like Scout. When Atticus was with Jem in the room and Scout comes in, he reads to her the gray ghost, and the person in the book that people thought he was evil, turned out to be wrong, it is just like Boo Radley, so I notice the connection between them.

In my opinion about this book is that I really enjoyed it, with some reasons that why I like this book. First I like how in each chapter that we learn something new that could help us in our lives. For example that we should make stereotypes about people, even if we don't know how they are, we should not make stereotypes about them. Another lesson that I learned is that violence solves nothing, for this Atticus was outside the jail to protect Tom from anyone trying to hurt him or even kill him. Also Atticus had no weapon to protect himself with, he only had a newspaper, this shows us that Atticus has true courage and that we should have true courage in ourselves. The last thing I like about the book is that you should not brag about our God given talent. For example Atticus' God given talent is to be the best shooter with a gun in the whole town of Maycomb. He did not want to show off his God given talent because he had never practice it, and it was given to him by God. This is what I like about not to brag about your God given talent because you did not earn it, and it was given to you. Overall I really liked this book and how it gives us lessons on how we should live a good life, and we can take those lessons and try to make them happen.

Byebye TKAM

  After three months of reading and working on this unit, yesterday we finished To Kill a Mockingbird. I personally loved the book, it was full of life lessons to take away, and Atticus is a good role model for Scout and Jem on how to be a good person with character and integrity.
Image result for to kill a mockingbird memes  Yesterday, we finished the last chapter of the book, Chapter 31. Boo asks Scout, "Will you take me home?" He had sounded like a scared child. These are the only words he ever says in the book, and the first and last time he ever talks to Scout. This is ironic because the entire book, everyone was scared of Boo, but in reality, he's the one who's scared because of his mental disability and that he's socially awkward. Scout makes it look as if he's escorting her down the sidewalk and not vice versa, Boo goes inside his house, and Scout never sees him ever again. She thinks about everything he's done for her and Jem, and she becomes sad that they've never done anything for him in return. She then stands in front of his window so she can see Maycomb from Boo's point of view; she's taking Atticus's advice and standing in Boo's shoes. She recounts the events of the book and how it looked like from his viewpoint. She went home, and Atticus read The Gray Ghost to her. She falls asleep and then wakes up, sleepily claiming that she was awake the whole time and talking about one particular character, Stoner's boy, who in the book everyone had assumed that he caused trouble and was evil, but when they got to know him, he was real nice. Atticus answers her, "Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them." This is talking about Boo because a lot of people in Maycomb were ignorant and assumed things about him, but they never got to know him.
  I thought it was pretty clever of Harper Lee to include The Gray Ghost as the comparison to Boo. Everything just comes back to the life lesson of being tolerant and how you need to walk in others' shoes and see the world from their point of view before you judge them. It'll make you a tolerant and better person and others are going to respect you for it. Overall in the book, there had been many morals, such as walking in others' shoes, don't "kill mockingbirds," always do the right thing even when it's hard, stick to your moral standards, violence solves nothing, have true courage, don't brag about our God-given talents, and when there's a problem, you're the one to solve it even if it's unpopular; you will earn respect for it. There's probably a whole bunch more, but these are ones that we listed in class today. Atticus is probably my favorite character in the book, and if there were more people like him around, the world would be a really great place. To Kill a Mockingbird is an amazing book, and it really shines a light on things such as loss of childhood innocence, what true courage looks like, how we should be tolerant and not ignorant, and what a high moral standard is and how to be a good person.

Our Hero Boo...

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Scout: *Sees Boo Radley*
In chapter 28, Scout and Jem were walking home after the pageant. Speaking of the pageant I would be super embarrassed if I were in Scout's position. Imagine you dressed as a giant ham then running on stage when you were suppose to do that but you fall asleep. That would be very embarrassing especially that Mrs. Merriweather told a little girl that she ruined her pageant, that's just harsh. Anyways, when Scout and Jem were walking home they kept on stopping because they heard footsteps. When they were under the tree they heard the sound of thick cotton rubbing against each other, all of a sudden there was someone running towards them. That person attacked the children, they broke Jem's arm and tried to choke Scout but her holy ham costume saved her from it. Furthermore, a fourth person showed up and saved the children from the person that attacked them. The fourth person brings Jem home and Scout follows along. When Scout was describing what had happened she said that someone else was there. There was a pale, thin, gray eyed, thin haired man standing in a corner, at that moment Scout said "Hey, Boo."
Image result for crying vine faces
Cries in Peter Parker

I personally find this scene fascinating, I think it's facienting because out of all the possibilities that they could have met they meet by Boo saving their lives. Boo watched Jem and Scout for years, he watched them grow up, play, meet Atticus at the corner, and them sneaking around his house. Because Boo has a mental disability he prefers the company of children rather than adults, this is why he wants to be friends with them but is too shy and socially awkward to do so. When Scout and Jem were attacked it was late at night and no one would hear what was going on. However, because Boo always looked out for them he went to rescue them from the outrageous Bob. Overall, Boo is the children's hero and he gave them a second chance in life by saving them from Bob. Do you agree? Do you disagree? What do you think?