Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, January 7, 2019

TKAM Differences Alike

   To summarize the most important event happening so far Jem and Scout went to the pageant. Scout messed up big time in her role as she not only slept through her part, but ruined the most climactic scene in the pageant. On their way back Scout was so embarassed she wouldn't even take off her costume of metal wiring. They waited for everyone to leave and when there was barely anyone left they decided to go and started hearing footsteps. They kept stopping when they stopped and continued when they continued, they just thought that it was. Then finally they were rushed at and Bob Ewell easily twisted Jem's hand until it made a crackling noise he was hurt so bad he was left unconscious on the ground. However Scout in her costume was metal wire painted and he was physically crushing it open and would easily kill Scout and Jem if a 4th person under the tree had not killed Bob and saved them both.
When you are mad in an argument, but do not understand the topic.
    Boo Radley saved their lives and Mr. Tate tried to indirectly protect Boo Radley from the publicity yet funnily enough Atticus does not realize this and thinks Jem killed him and is talking all about going to the court get it out in the open and Mr. Tate is trying to hint at what really happened without revealing it as it might make things uncomfortable for Arthur Radley.
   Though what I really want to talk about which I found very interesting was the dynamic between Mr. Tate and Atticus. They both have mutual respect for each other and from the way Scout described them they both are extremely stubborn and while Atticus is more calm on his part he is still just as stubborn as Mr. Tate who is stubborn in a more blunt way. When they were arguing they both were sure of themselves and while I agree with Mr. Tate since Atticus did not fully proccess what he was implying it was interesting nonetheless. Though it would of really had a lot more cause for inspection and time if Boo Radley made a comment as he was on that porch though he might next chapter on what they were arguing about. Though now we seem to have a better understanding of their character and how they treat big differences. As one interesting point is in that argument Atticus was asking Mr. Tate to observe it from his shoes though it took him a while to realize what Heck Tate meant as he did not step into his shoes right away until he learned what he was implying. Though they are still good people and are very reasonable though their argument provided a nice tidbit of inspection into how Heck Tate in specific dealt with an argument.

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