Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Arthur Radley and THe Ending of TKAM

Recently, a lot has happened in TKAM. Scout and Jem were almost killed by Bob Ewell. Bob attempted to murder Jem and Scout because he was too cowardly to try to murder Atticus, so he went after easier targets who couldn't defend themselves. Bob had a swtchblade and could have killed Scout if she hadn't been wearing her ham costume from the pageant. While Mr. Ewell atacked the childrean, Jem broke his arm, and Scout finds out that there was a fourth person undar the tree who saved them. Once they reach the house, Scout finds out that the man who had saved them and carried Jem home was Arthur or Boo Radley. We find out that Heck Tate had switched out the knife that had killed Bob and put a kitchen knife there. Heck Tate knows that if he dosen't cover up the fact that it was Arthur who had save the children then he may as well have killed a mocking bird.

I think that it was very honorable for Heck to switch out the knives and to make up a lie about what happened to Bob. I am surprised that Atticus didn't put the pieces together that it was Arthur who killed Bob not Jem. It also surprised me that Atticus was not only willing to bring Jem to court, but that he wanted to bring him to court. Eventhough it surprised me, I think that it was a good reflection on how good of a father he is. He wanted to prove that Jem had killed Bob out of self-defence and that he had nothing to hide. I think that I might shed a couple tears tommorow at the end of the book. This has been one of my favorite books and I have loved everything about it.


  1. I agree with you,because it was honorable of Mr.Tate to switch out knives and tell everyone that Bob killed himself.It would of been a little better if you added more detail about Scout saying,"it would be like killing a mockingbird."But you did okay,you also had an okay summary not a lot of detail,like maybe you could of told from the begging like Scout been embarrassed from the play and then walking home and been attacked by Bob.

  2. Very good job in your blog post Sami I enjoyed reading it. However I disagree with you that it was a horrible idea to take out the knife because if he had not done it it would of been like killing a mockingbird.He is a good father for showing that he had nothing to hide. You could of just put a little bit more info and you would of been great. But overall good job. You should also but a meme or a gift.

  3. I also think that in a way it is honorable thing for Heck Tate to switch out the knives and save Boo the trouble of having to deal with all the people. At the same time he could have saved Boo from the trouble in other ways other than what he chose to.I also think that Atticus willing to take his son to court was good and right of him but I think it shows how much morals really does take over his life.
