Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra are Furious

In this chapter we learn that Calpurnia came into the courtroom with a note from aunt Alexandra. The note said that Jem, Scout, and Dill were missing the whole afternoon, and aunt Alexandra was worried. Mr. Underwood tells Atticus that they are in the balcony with Reverend Sykes, Atticus says tells them to go home, they refuse. Atticus then tells them to go home to eat, and that they should take their time eating because the verdict was going to be longer than expected. We learned in class today that when a colored man has a trial, and the jury goes to discuss the evidence, it usually takes the verdict to be no longer than five minutes, this is because of Maycomb's usual disease about racism towards colored people. Surprisingly for the jury to come to a unanimous decision, it took them almost four hours to read the verdict, for a man that is colored, it will usually take five minutes, if it is five minutes, this means that the verdict will most likely be guilty. If it takes more than five minutes, then the verdict is not guilty.

Jem, Scout, and Dill go home to eat Calpurnia did not even talk to them, she was still mad that they went to the trial. When they are done eating, they go back to the courtroom, Scout said that everything looked the same, and everyone was acting differently. Usually the people in the gallery watching would usually go to the store and buy something, but everyone did not move because they have never seen a case for a colored man take so long. They thought that the jury will give a verdict in five minutes, but this is taking almost four hours. This means that Tom could be found innocent, and he can be reunited with his family. When the jury came out to give the verdict, they found Tom guilty for the rape of Mayella. I do not think that the jury actually tried to go over the case to find Tom guilty or not, despite of no evidence that Tom could have done this, Tom was only found guilty because of Maycomb's usual disease against colored people. Since Tom was found guilty, this means that he will serve a life sentence, but the most likely thing to happen is to have the death penalty. Since Atticus lost the case, he could appeal the ruling, and he can go to a higher court, to see if he can try to win the case again. At the end when everyone is gone, the African Americans, Scout, Jem, and Dill see Atticus going towards the middle aisle, Reverend Sykes tell Scout, "Miss Jeanne Louis stand up, your father's passin", all of the African American stand up when Atticus passes as a sign of respect that he tried to help Tom. Atticus had the courage to do Tom case because when a African American are in trouble with the law, they need to find a lawyer, the lawyer says that they cannot help them, or that they need to find someone else to do it. Atticus had the courage to do what no one else would have done.

I think that Tom should had been found not guilty because his story had the evidence that Mayella went after him, and kissed him. Mayella made the jury feel like cowards that they will not protect her, she had no evidence to give in that situation. This probably convinced the jury that they do not want to be seen as cowards, by not protecting Mayella, and this lead them to finding Tom guilty. I think that Atticus should appeal the ruling, so he can try the case again, and to try to convince the jury that Tom did not rape Mayella, and that Bob had done. In this chapter I like how the African Americans stood up when Atticus was passing by as a show of respect, they knew that Atticus really tried to win the case and find Tom not guilty.


  1. Good job with your blog post, Alex. I really enjoyed reading this. I have to agree with you, Tom should of been found not guilty because there was no medical evidence that Mayella was raped. Bob said they didn't call a doctor because it would of been expensive and because her injuries were not bad. And yes, Atticus should appeal the ruling because the jurors were bias towards Mayella because she was white. I also liked the fact that the African American people stood up when Atticus passed because he had tried to win the case because he knew Tom was guilty and wanted to stand up for him. Overall good job.

  2. I agree with you when you say that Tom should not of been found guilty in my opinion this is unfair. I also agree when you said that Mayella influenced the jury when she called them cowards, but to advance on that I also think that another reason that the jury said that tom was guilty because, they had macombs disease, and they didn't want to be looked on in a negative way from their fellow citizens. What Tom Robinson friends did was really special, they showed all the gratitude, and respect they had for Atticus even though he did no win, they showed it because they were thankful that he tried. Also great job on you blog I really enjoed reading it.

  3. You did a good job on this post. You had a lot detail when you talked about what happened at the end of the trail. In your post you said that you though that the jury didn't try to talk about what happened in the case. I disagree with this. I think that some people in the jury did try to make the rest of the jury see that Tom was not guilty but something happened to change there mind. I do agree with your last paragraph. Even if there should be a appeal I don't think there will be one. Atticus,Tom and there rest family have gone through with a lot of pain and probably just want it all to end. There is a strong chance that the same thing will happen again.
