Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sam Bautista Blog Post

This chapter was evil, not from the person writing it,but from the people in this book that made an evil decision. In this chapter lots of people made the wrong choice, which in the end meant the life of a man, not a normal man, an innocent man, a African american man, the man living in 20th century Alabama, the man’s name is Tom Robinson. At first he was falsely accused of rape, he was accused by the Ewell family, to save themselves from major embarrassment, that the whole town of macomb will get whist of, so the idea to save themselves is to blame it all on a innocent man that was lied to. They also did this to hide the actual crime that happened that day, and to cover up all of the other crimes a man did, and that man is Bob Ewell, he beat his daughter because he caught her seducing a black man, which is a violation of a code that Alabama lives by, a White man or woman shouldn’t have romantic interactions with an African man/woman, this code is evil and should not even exist. With that code the jury of the court used the codes that Macomb lives by, that all African Americans are evil, and the unfair jury used these codes instead of looking at the evidence right in front of them they unfairly used these codes which result in an innocent man’s life. The jury was probably afraid that if they did not follow these racist codes that the town of Macomb will look at them like trash, so they made the decision that will save them from the embarrassment, that the people in the town will give them, if they did not say that Tom is guilty.
Scout, Jem, and Dill were in the court, and when Atticus finishes his closing statement Calpurnia walks down the aisle towards Atticus, and hands him the note that relates nothing to the trial, it is a note from his sister, saying that his kids are missing. Atticus then says to the judge that his kids are missing, and then Mr. Underwood interrupts Atticus, and tells them that they are up there on the balcony. Atticus calls them down, and tell them to go home to eat supper, they argue with him that they want to hear the verdict, and he says that they they could be in, and out really quick, but he will allow them to come back after they eat. They all eat, and Aunt Alexandra isn’t saying anything, because they told her that Atticus is allowing them to come back after they, eat. They all go back to the court, and the jury is still in the jury room. In cases like Tom’s, that involves a black man/woman against a white woman/man, the jury is usually out in five minutes, but with Tom’s case it is way different, and nobody, In Macomb, or even Alabama have witnessed this.
In Tom’s Atticus did a Fantastic job in everything he did, in the court, especially with his closing argument, his closing argument was so powerful that, it made the men of the jury, contemplate, that this man is actually innocent. Even though Atticus di such a good job, he didn’t win in the end. What Scout says that the Jury where in the Jury room for over 3 hours, and during those hours nobody was making a sound, not even the little children. This means that some of the jury members were arguing that Tom was really innocent, because those good men were only looking at the facts, and they were not consumed by usual disease that Macomb has which is racism. The other men were not as good because they were not looking at the evidence instead they were looking at the racism.
The jury came finally came back, at 11 pm, they took over 3 hours discussing this, the jury passed it to the judge, and he handed it back, and the jury announced that Tom is guilty. The white folks left after that, because that is the only thing they wanted to hear, but all the african americans attending kept in their seats, when Atticus came down the aisle, they all stood up as a sign of respect, and gratitude they had for him. They did this because Atticus actually tried to help Tom but all of his efforts were not for nothing this would be a step to making everyone equal. A hero doesn’t have to always win, and Atticus is a hero.

My thoughts: The jury was unfair to Tom Robinson, there was no evidence proving that Tom is guilty, but what made him guilty was racism. Not all but lots of the jury members were racist, they believed everything that the Ewells told them, because they had this thought tattooed into their minds that all African Americans, are evil, and liars. This may not be true for most of the society today in the world today, but their are still way too many that have this thought Tattooed into their mind and will not think otherwise. All of those people are ignorant, I believe that everything should be fair, and equal if it is not possible out in the streets, than it has to be in courts, because what the jury did was unfair, and should never happen again.


  1. .I agree with your thoughts on what happened however on one particular spot I disagree with you. When you say all of Maycomb is ignorant except for Atticus, I would disagree with that. Miss Maudie already explained to Jem that there were some men that were on Atticus's side. It was not obvious to Jem though Judge Taylor was. Mr. Heck Tate, Link Deas, and Mr. Raymond were all on Tom's side yet it happened anyways.

  2. Good job on this blog post there was enough detail to describe what had happened. I do agree that the jury was unfair to Tom, I think they did not talk about the evidence, and they just relaxed in the jury room. I also agree that everything should be fair in the courtroom, Tom lost because of Maycomb's usual disease about being ignorant to the colored people that have a trial. Overall good job on this blog post, I really enjoyed this.
