Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Mayella Blog Post

In the beginning of chapter 18 Mr.Gilmer asks Mayella to tell the jury what happened on November twenty-first of last year.She says that she was on the front porch and that she wasn't doing anything,but then Judge Taylor asks her to be more specific o to tell what really happened.She then started to cry  and the judge said to her not to be ashamed ,it was funny how she pointed at Atticus and said that she was afraid of him.She then says that she doesn't want Atticus to treat her like he did to her dad Bob Ewell.She get asked a few questions like how old is she,she gets told to sit straight and tell what happened.She said that she was going to give Tom Robinson a nickel and she said  that she went to the house and she said that's where he began to attack her.She said that she was fighting him back and she screamed as loud as she could.She said she doesn't really remember what happened and said when she woke up she saw Mr.Tate,at the end she gets asked if she fought back and she said yes and gets asked if he really took advantage of her.

In my opinion I think that Mayella is lying because if she fought back wouldn't Tom Robinson also have bruises on his body.The reason why I think this is because when we talked about hitting someone on the face with a hand,someone hit her with a left hand.And I think that Atticus may do the same thing with her to make her look like a liar which in my opinion she is.Plus when she says she doesn't remember she is just lying because she may not know what else to say.Since it is Atticus turn to ask her questions I hope he test her hand too just like he did with Bob Ewell.Her story didn't quite match with Bob's story because she said when she woke up her dad was there and Bob said he was an eyewitness,he was there watching it.Both testimony's don't add up,what do you think,and I hate how she kept crying when she was giving her testimony and funny how she was scared of Atticus.Overall it's obvious that she is hiding something like we all know her dad could of done it since he drinks a lot.

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