Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, December 10, 2018


When it was Tom's turn to talk about what happened he first said that the only reason why he helped out Myella is because there was no one to help out,her dad didn't help her nor her brothers and sisters.Tom said he felt sorry for Mayella which he shouldn't of said that because that led to Mr.Gilmer saying why he feels bad for a white woman which he meant that African Americans are better than black people.Dill couldn't handle all of this so he started to cry and Scout took him outside to calm him down,The reason why Dill started to cry is because the way Mr.Gilmer was talking to Tom Robinson in  hatred way.Scout and Dill came across Mr.Raymond,people say he's the town drunk,but he fakes it because instead he just drinks Coca Cola,he lets Dill have some.He says that kids understand him more than adults because he likes to hang out with African Americans and fakes been drunk so he gives white people a reason why he hangs out with them.The reason he does this is because so white people won't as him why he preferred to hang out with African Americans.Scout and Dill missed Mr.Gilmer's final argument,now it was Atticus turn.

Mr.Gilmer should of went easy on Tom Robinson because he kept asking him why he kept going to Mayella's house.He said that at first she needed help with doing something that she couldn't do by her so self.After Tom helped her out Mayella offered him a nickel which he rejected.Mr.Gilmer kept saying to him why would you do this for free and later on we heard a new story that I was shocked.Tom told that one day he went to the Ewell place to see Mayella,first thing that happened she said she gave money to her brothers and sisters to go  get ice cream,she saved money for them.Next thing that happened Mayella closed the door and then the she jumped on Tom! She started to kiss him while on top of him then Tom was worried so he pushed her off.Next Bob Ewell came home and sa his daughter with Tom,Tom got really scared that he ran off and didn't get to see what Bob did to Mayella.Another reason why Tom went to her house is because that's the only way he could get to work.

I think this chapter is going to end bad because Tom shouldn't of said he felt bad for Mayella because Mr.Gilmer will use that against him.Because of what he said about Mayella,feeling bad for her this would anger the jury and most whites in the court.What I mean is Mr.Gilmer wants to put tom Robinson in his place,teach him a lesson.I think that Atticus will not win the case because one it's a all white trial and Tom struggled with some questions.And two because it's obvious if a black man rapes a white woman the black man will receive the death penalty.No matter how much effort Atticus put in this case he will not win it which in my opinion I get annoyed because I want Tom to live.Because he has a family to take care of,he has three kids and if he's gone who will provide for them.Do you agree with me that this chapter will end bad and that Atticus will lose this case because of the two reasons I said.It's too bad that Dill and Scout missed Mr.Gilmer's closing argument,but it's okay because they are just in time to hear Atticus closing statement.

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