Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tom Found Guilty....

Related imageIn chapter 21, it was now time for the jury to come to a verdict for Tom Robinson, after Atticus Finch's legendary closing argument there was no way that that they could take only a couple minutes to deliberate. After, Calpernia enters the courtroom and makes a dramatic entrance, Atticus finds out from Mr. Underwood that Scout and Jem were on the balcony the whole time. Atticus and Calpurnia take the children outside, Atticus tells them to go home eat supper and stay there for the time being. The kids plead with Atticus if they can stay for the rest, Atticus lets them stay only after they come back from eating supper slowly. When the children come back from eating supper, they see that the courtroom was the same when they left. No one had left the courtroom, this was because they have never had a jury take more than five minutes deliberating on a African American case. Everyone in the courtroom waited for the jury to come to a decision for the next 3+ hours, everyone began to fall asleep but no one went home. Mr. Heck Tate, finally called out "The court will come to order" everyone in the courtroom woke up and began to pay attention. The jury began to fill in their seats and not one of them looked at Tom, it turns out that Tom Robinson was convicted guilty with possibly the death penalty. As Atticus left the courtroom all of the African Americans on the balcony stood for him. 

Image result for crying meme

I personally think that it was so messed up of the jury to convict Tom guilty, there was so much evidence that pointed to Bob Ewell. I do think that there was some Jurors that wanted him to be not guilty, that's why it could have taken them so long and looking over the facts of the case. However, of course Maycomb's usual disease gets them in the end. Although Tom was convicted guilty, it was amazing that for the first time in Maycomb a Jury would take more than five minutes to debate about a case involving a African American. Atticus's closing argument was very amazing and said that Mayella committed no crime, but to cover up her embarrassment and shame she had to get rid of Tom a human being. What Mayella did was something that could bring great shame to her in Maycomb, No white women should be interested in a black man as told. However, she was interested in Tom and even kissed him. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. You have a very detailed first paragraph. You go into detail on how long it took to deliver the verdict and how every african american stood up for Atticus as he passed. I agree with you on how it was really messed up to convict Tom. There was no evidence. I think that Mayella should be ashamed of trying to rid of a human being for her mistake.
