Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Ewell's Testimony

   Bob Ewell's testimony had some information, none at all proveable however. He did not take his child to the hospital for severe injuries or atleast trauma. He claims he was an eye witness though one and I can not stress this enough HUGE POINT is that Mayella Violet claims she was on the porch when this happened. Though Bob Ewell says that he saw it through the window and got tangled in the fence. This is a really big point since their is no evidence all we have is their word on what happened and with a major detail like this contradicting each other, it can ruin all of the witnesses credibility and Atticus already has some evidence to bring doubt in the jurors mind much more that the criminal is left handed and left handed folks are much rarer than right hands.
Image result for When you messed up memes
Mayella when she contradicted Bob Ewell.
   However since it is a case of a black man against a white family even if they are the trash of the city still are white and hold a huge power over black people. Though they do not even need proof to win this case. Mr. Gilmer knows all he needs to do is stir up enough motion to which the jurors have to vote guilty. He wants to invoke their protective fatherhood instincts. Thats all he needs to win which really shows just how big a role emotion and racism can play in a case in the 1930s, even though in a perfect system they would not matter yet thats the only reason Mr. Gilmer will probably win.


  1. Good point on how Bob and Mayella's stories do not line up at all especially the point when Mayella claims she was on the porch and Bob claims he saw Mayella being raped by Tom inside the house. Along with other good points about their testimoneies.

  2. I agree that Mayella's story not lining up with Bob's story is a huge point. Emotion shouldn't matter in cases and evidence should, but the emotion causes the jurors to get those protective instincts. Since it is a all white jury, Atticus has to come up with all of this evidence saying that Tom didn't rape Mayella and it is hard to do that, if the witnesses use emotion. Good job on pointing things out and summarizing what happened.

  3. You're right on how Bob's and Mayella's testimonies don't line up with each other on a few parts. A good point on how Atticus has shown enough evidence that would bring doubt into the jury's minds, since in a criminal case, the verdict for the defendant to be guilty needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt, and Atticus must have stirred up some doubt in the jury's minds. I also agree with you, unfortunately, how the prosecution might win this because it's the word of a black man against white man, even though Bob Ewell is white trash. They're going to win the case with emotion, not evidence, which isn't fair.
