Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Mayella's Direct Examination

Mayella got very emotional during the first par of her testimony. WIthin the first few minutes she had say a few words and was bawling her eyes out. Judge Taylor calms her down and we find out that she was crying because she doen want Atticus to trick her like he tricked her father, Bob Ewell. Eventually we learn what happens on the night of Mayellas rape. Mayella says that she asked Tom to help her and that she would give him a nickel if he helped her. She then says that when she goes to get the nickel, Tom goes after her and then chokes and rapes Mayella. She says that shw fought back as hard as she could, but was not strong enough.

One thing that really surprised me was why she was crying. Mayella was crying over a lawyer, not even the fact that she had been raped and was in the same room as the man who raped her. She also is 19 and is crying over the fact that a lawyer has tricked her father. Mayella also did not go into much detail on what happened on the night of the rape, which is understandable if she did infact get raped. However I think that it is strange that she didn't seem very upset about the fact that she was sitting across from her rapist.

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