Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Atticus Knows What They Are Playing

We read about how Jem, Dill and Scout were planning on giving a note to Boo Radley by passing it through the window using a fishing pole. It was a note that said if he came out they would give him ice cream, as long as they get to talk to him. When Atticus catches them he immediately knows what they are doing. Since Dill was supposed to be their watch guard he just stands there beside Atticus ringing the bell.  Atticus uses the "Golden rule" and asks the question even though he already knew the answer he was seeing if Jem would lie. Atticus tells Jem to stop tormenting the man. Jem, Dill, and Scout didn't even think of the fact that they are playing the Boo Radley game right in their front yard meaning everyone passing by or ayne who lives in their neighborhood can see them reenacting the rumors or Boo's life. Including Boo, it must be embarrassing for Arthur to watch them or maybe he finds it funny watching the kids play which might be why Scout heard him laughing. We don't know how he laughed though so he could've been laughing a creepy evil laugh.
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I think Boo is an innocent man. Well, maybe not 100% innocent but I don't think that he goes around at night looking through people's windows. Which is the rumor that Miss Stephanie Crawford was spreading. If he did want to come outside before he probably won't want to anymore, because of all the rumors he would get stared at no matter where he goes. Especially if Dill Scout or Jem saw him, they would want to talk to him. Boo isn't as bad as he seems I think, in my opinion.

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