Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Boo Radley, Gunshots, and Jem's Pants

   In chapter 6, it is Dill's last night in Maycomb. Dill and Jem decide to go and try to take a peek inside of the Radley house. At first, Scout does not want to go, but she ends up going with Jem and Dill. However, the situation doesn't turn out well as Mr. Nathan Radley set off a gunshot since he heard sounds and was defending himself, and Jem was risking a lot to go back to the Radley house after that incident to try to get his pants back since he may get in trouble if his pants are found by someone else. Personally, what I think of this situation is it was a very bad decision in the first place, but it was also very dangerous as one of them could've been shot by Mr. Nathan Radley. Atticus has already told them what seems like multiple times to leave the Radley house and Boo alone. However, they didn't follow what Atticus said. Instead, not only did they not follow what Atticus told them, but they also got in a lot of danger. Overall, in my opinion, the situation was a mess with the gunshot, Dill lying to cover up for Jem saying that he won Jem's pants in a bet, and more.
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When Scout, Jem, and Dill are escaping from the Radley yard
   That night at about two in the morning, Jem decides that he is going back to the Radley house area to get back his pants that he left there. While they were running away, Jem's pants got caught on the fence, so he had no other choice than to take off his pants to be able to escape. However, after being relieved that nothing happened to Dill, Scout, or him, Jem decides that he wants to go and get his pants back to prevent himself from getting into more trouble. Thinking of this situation, I think that it is partly a good idea for Jem to get his pants back to avoid getting into more trouble. However, if I were him, I would not go back to get my pants. The reason for this is because, I would rather get scolded at than increase my risk to get shot and possibly killed, because Mr. Nathan Radley said that he was going to be more aware, and he was willing to shoot again if he heard anymore sounds. Mainly for me, the part where the gunshot went off in the whole situation is a big and important part. Scout even mentioned to Jem that it was not worth it. I agree with her when she said, "A lickin' hurts but it doesn't last. You'll get your head shot off, Jem." I agree with her that it is not worth it, and in the end, I would not go back to get the pants if I were Jem. Fortunately, Jem came back safe with his pants, and no one was hurt in this situation. 

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