Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Did Boo Put those Gifts in the Tree?...

To Kill a Mockingbird
Today in class we read from page 43 to page 53. It was almost summer in the beginning of chapter 4 and you know who is coming, Dill. Both Jem and Scout were excited for Dills arrival, however  before that moment came something interesting happened. Scout was released from school 30 minutes before Jem and once while walking back home, right in front of the Radleys house there were two oak trees. while Scout passed she saw something in the hole of one of the trees. she saw gum! Two pieces of fresh gum without a cover and she ate it. When Jem arrived to the house he saw Scout chewing the gum and asked where she had grabbed it from and told her about the Tree. At first he didn't believe her and told her to throw away the gum because it could be poisonous. Another thing we learn is that Calpurnia and Scout´s relationship is improving. And we see the tree again in the chapter when Jem and Scout are coming from school again Scout spotted something shiny in the tree and Jem finally believed her because he had seen it too. They run back to their house and check what the little box has inside. It contained two polished Indian-head pennies. Scout and Jem were planning on returning them to the owner because they might have been very important to them (the owners of the coins). They ask people but I'm betting they did not ask the Radleys. We also discover that a kid prefers to walk a mile then go next to the Radleys house. 
     This chapter was briefer than the other ones. but I get the sense that Boo put the gifts out in the tree hole to test the kids. He might also know that Dill was coming back and that Dill was obsessed with him and if Scout and Jem told him all about it he would try to investigate more. He might also make a plan to get Boo to come out. Or Mr. Radley could of put the coins in there to see if the kids in Maycomb returned them back to him even if it was the last thing they would want to do. I'm guessing that if they even come near to ask if the coins were theirs Atticus would be by their side. The people might also start rumors if Scout and Jem tell them about the things they found in the tree hole. They might say something similar to Jem that Boo or the Radleys are trying to poison them and kill them. This shows the ignorance of the people in Maycomb. Even Jem is assuming things without knowing if they are true. 


  1. I love your second paragraph. Your first was a good summary. Your second I love where you are going with it. With it possible belonging to the Radley's the things in the tree. You gave good reasons like possibly to test the children to see if they would return it or not. It was very observative and educated hypothesis that the Maycomb people if they heard that would immediately start rumors. I like the idea of Boo putting it their to test the children very much it really adds much more interest in the character Boo as he would not just be a possible psychopath for stabbing his father but that there could be more to him.

  2. I agree with you that I also think that Boo Radley put the gifts in the tree. I don't know that it was Dill that made him stop putting the gifts in the tree, but I do think that could be another factor in it. I think that there is major ignorance throughout the entire town of Maycomb, and people should stop assuming things, and just find out for themselves.
