Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Things Inside of a Tree?

When Scout was heading home from school she spotted two oak trees that stood at the edge of the Radley place. One of the trees contained two pieces of tinfoil which appears to be some kind of chewing gum. Scout was curious and she examined the gum if there were any problems with it. Scout then smelled and licked the gum. When nothing happened to her she assumed it was safe and she put it in her mouth. Jem told Scout to spit the gum out because who knows where the gum has been in. Then Scout examined the other tree which contained Indian heads which was really odd and creepy. Jem and Scout were thinking if Boo Radley had to do anything with the chewing gum and the Indian heads. I am thinking of two possible theories. What if someone else is trying to sneak some weird things in the tree to make people think that Boo Radley is a weird and creepy person. My other theory is Boo Radley trying to lure some children closer to his house so he can kidnap them. In my opinion I think that Boo Radley is an innocent person because there is no proof so far that he did anything wrong. A lot of people are ignorant and wont give Boo Radley a chance.

The new teacher Miss Caroline one day told Burris to go home and bathe because he was so dirty. Burris didn't want to leave and Miss Caroline is wondering what is wrong with him. Scout had to explain why Burris was really rude. Burris was part of the Ewell family which were known as a disgrace in all of Maycomb. The Ewell family would never do anything good in Maycomb and they are all very ignorant. Burris would go to the first day of school and would never come back for the rest of the days. When Miss Caroline told Burris to leave he didn't want too and he insulted her calling her a terrible teacher. In this book people have different point of views and dont understand what is going on in that persons life. I think that there are going to be a lot of issues in this book because of peoples ignorance.


  1. I like you two ideas on how or why there are things in the tree. Your first one is pretty logical, one of the neighborhood kids could be just messing with them. I think that one is more likely in my opinion. Your other theory is also good, and I also agree that Boo Radley is a innocent man and that the rumors and gossip just make him seem way worse. Your last sentence is also very agreeable that the ignorance of the town will get the best of them and cause lots of issues.

  2. Overall, I think that you did a really good job with this blog post. I especially liked how you have your own thoughts and opinions on both of the situations that you wrote about in your blog post. First of all, I agree with you when you said that you think that Boo is an innocent person. I think that your theories about the things in the tree were very interesting too, and any of them could be true. Second of all, I really liked what you said about how in this book, people have different points of views, and they do not understand what is going on in a person's life until they really know and learn about them. I also agree with you when you said that you think there are going to be a lot of issues in this book, because of people's ignorance. You did a very good job on this post, and many of the things you wrote about I agree with and were very true in or about the book.

  3. I agree with your opinion because people are spreading rumors about Boo Radley that couldn't even be true. I also agree that people look at things differently than other people do and that is going to cause some more trouble in the book. They just need to look from the person's perspective to understand why did they do something differently than someone else.

  4. I agree with you on when you say that they aren't giving Boo a chance. They've never talked to him. However, you're kind of making assumptions as well when you say that Boo may be using the gum to lure children to his house. This is feeding into all of the rumors, and it's kind of against your conclusion statement. I also agree with on how you feel about Burris. He's a very rude child indeed.
