Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TKAM Chapter 4

          Scout was been seeing and hearing this inside of the Radley house. Jem and Scout have heard many rumors about the Radleys. After Jem touched the Radley's house, Scout looked back at the house and she saw the shutters move. Scout and Jem found a purple box in a tree next to their house and they found gum and pennies in it. They thought it was somebody's hiding spot, but then they realized that no one would hide their. Everyone avoids the Radley house except for Scout and Jem because they have to walk right by it to get to their house. When Scout landed in the Radley's yard with the tire, she heard laughing inside of the house. Scout doesn't tell anyone and keeps it a secret to herself. This could be Boo Radley who has been doing all of this or it could be one of the other Radleys. Jem and Scout have been trying to figure out things about the Radleys.
             After Jem, Scout, and Dill had Lemonade, Jem decides that they play a game. The game is that they are going to be like the Radleys and act like them. This game lasted for awhile and they started to act like other people. They have acted out the rumors that people thought the Radleys did. The longer that the game went on, the more that they acted like the Radleys. One day while they were playing the game, Atticus saw Jem with the scissors cutting up the newspaper and asked what he was doing. Jem kept the game a secret from Atticus and Calpurnia because if they knew about the game, Scout, Jem, and Dill will get in trouble. Atticus was asking if this had to do with the Radley's because Atticus thinks that it is disrespectful. Scout doesn't want to play the game anymore because she is tired of the yelling and all of the head shaking. The other reason is that she doesn't want to get in trouble with Atticus.


  1. I like how you have explained that Scout had heard laughing inside of the house, and she had told no one else. I also like how you explained when they were playing as the Radleys. I think that this is a good blog post, and I like how explained the things that happened in chapter four.

  2. The objects that Scout and Jem had found, was very peculiar and that too being in a knothole of a tree, weird. This game is kind of weird as well, I agree with Atticus that by playing this game, it is very disrespectful and that they should not be playing this game. I think Scout was right in not participating in the game, since Atticus dislikes the idea of this game, so she'll be staying out of trouble.
