Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Unappricative Scout Finch

Scout had a fairly bad day at school today. She was told by her teacher that she can no longer read at home wither her father because it puts her too far ahead of the class. She then decides to take her anger out on Walter Cunningham by beating him up at recess. Her brother, Jem sees this and tells her to stop and invites him over for lunch. During luch Scount is being rude towards her guest and Calpurnia, their nanny/chef scolds her and makes her eat in the kitchen., scout does not like this and talks to her father about it. She asks him to fire Calpurnia and he says that he will never do this. When Scout gets back to school, her teacher, Miss Caroline, claimes she saw a mouse, turns out it was lice. The lice came from Burris Ewell. She asks him to go home and clean himself, to which he says that he will not be coming back. He has only appeared for the first day of school for three years in a row. Scout then finishes her day at school and goes home. After dinner when her fater says that it is time to read, she tells her father she does not want to go to school anymore and tells him abou how Burris only shows up for the first day of school every year. Atticus tells her that the Ewells are a special family and get to bend the laws. The chapter ends by Atticus and Scout making a deal that they can continue to read every night if she will continue to go to school. 

I believe that Scout needs to find something to take her anger out on and focus on, instead of beating up poor Walter. I also think that Scount needs to realize how much Calpurnia has influenced her life and made her the person she is today. Calprunia is basically Scouts mother or closest she has to a mother. I understand that Scout is young, but she should still appriciate her a little more that she does, I mean she asked her father to fire her because she did one thing she didn't like. I also feel kinda bad for Burris in a way. He lives a really sad life and I don't think it is his choice to live like this. Scout also needs to appriciate the fact that she gets to go to school at all. I mean I get it, not many people like it, and don't wanna go, but during this time she really is rally lucky and should appriciate it more. Overall I believe Scout needs to apprciate everything in her life more than she does, but she is young so I understand. 

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