Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Goodbye Knothole...

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Jem crying
In Chapter seven, Jem is is still very freaked out with what happened that night when he went back for his pants at the Radley's property, when Jem and Scout were walking home from school he told Scout what had happened that night. He explained to her that when his pants got stuck on the fence he struggled to get them off and when he left they were in a tangle. When he went back for his pants they were folded neatly and were sewed crookedly by someone, like they knew he was going to come back for them. As they walked by the knot hole they saw a ball of twine inside, they left the ball there for a few days then they claimed everything inside  the knothole their property. They had noticed something inside the knothole again, Scout pulled them out and it was two hand carved soap dolls that look like them. Then they received a whole pack of chewing gum and they forgot about it being poisoned, the third thing that they received was a metal Atticus explained to them that Maycomb used to hold spelling contest. Lastly, they had received a pocket watch that didn't run on a chain, with a aluminum knife. Jem and Scout decided to leave a letter in the knothole thanking the person that was giving them the gifts, when Jem and Scout finished the letter. The next morning when they finished eating their breakfast they ran towards the knothole, Sadly the knothole was filled with cement. Jem asked Nathan if he filled it, he did. Nathan gave a pretty bad reason why he did it, he said it was "Dying." Jem leaned on the pillar on his porch until nightfall, Scout noticed that he had been crying since she could see streaks of wear the tears fell. 

Image result for sipping tea meme
*Sips tea*
I strongly believe that Arthur (Boo) Radley is the one leaving gifts for the Jem and Scout, because he stays home all day. He could have developed a skill to carve this is why I think he carved the soap dolls, that look like Jem and Scout. I also believe that Arthur was the one that folded Jem's pants and sewed them. No one else in the neighborhood would dare enter the Radley property after what Nathan said about shooting anyone that enters his property. Boo might have gone outside when no one was looking and took the pants and sewed them back together, as I said from my last blog post. I think that Arthur is just a normal guy and just wants to show that he isn't a monster. Because Arthur is home all day he might turn very bored so he watches the children play, this is how the dolls look exactly like Jem and Scout. Jem could have been crying because he wasn't able to thank the person that was leaving gifts for Scout and him. I think Nathan covered the knothole to stop Boo from giving his stuff away to other people, that's why he covered it and lied about it. Overall, I think Boo is the one leaving all the gifts for Jem and Scout, sewed, and folded Jem's pants. Do you agree with me? Do you think its someone else? What do you think?

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