Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Did Boo Radley Put Things in the Knothole of the Tree?

   In the recent chapters we learn more about the children's obsession with Boo Radley. It really deepens as they find things in the knothole of the tree. The children appear greedy rather than trying to seek out the person whose stuff it is or leave it alone, they decided to keep it unless someone tells them to return it or the real owner asks for it. It seems only to benefit their self-interest and does not help whoever put these things their. Though I am not certain as from reading it I am not certain as to if they are doing this hoping to keep it or waiting until the end of the summer trying to be considerate though not trying to contact him seems a little selfish.
   Though more on Boo Radley the children reenact a game called Boo Radley which Atticus later calls them out on. It is reenacting all the rumors and gossip spread about a neighbor who never shows his face out of embarrassment which you put on display for the edifice of the entire neighborhood. It only strengthens his resolve to not show his face, but Harper Lee really seems to be hinting that Boo Radley is alive and watching them sometimes, but not in a creepy way I assume. The evidence we got for that in the last few chapters were that their was laughing when Scout rolled in a tire and hit the his front door. Another piece of evidence is that there was a shutterflick when Jem knocked on his door implying he opened the blinds to peer at them and then shut right away when they turned back after running from him.  If that was Boo Radley at the blinds it brings up the question as you learn in chapter five, could the knothole in the tree with a lot of stuff be from Boo Radley? There are a few points that indicate it could be his, first of all it is in his backyard, and though only children they assume hide things Boo Radley being as weird as they think him to be could put it in the knothole. It is also very weird things for a kid to have. Indian coins maybe if they are religious and have some meaning there though I assume they are just an item Boo Radley wanted to keep hidden. Though I think the second most probable option I have heard is that a squirrel just found those things and put it in the knothole of the tree. It would explain having an Indian head coin, but a huge problem I see with this is how the squirrel could bring gum to the tree. That is what really seems to shoot this theory down. Another one that I think is the most probable option is that it is from some random person we have not met, we are only five chapters into the book so it would not be too out of the ordinary.

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