Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Normal or Monster?

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When Scout hears laughing
In chapter four, we learned that Scout was let out from school before Jem, as she walked home she walked past a tree she finds something. The tree had a hole in it and there laid two pieces of uncovered gum, Scout plops it in her mouth and continues with her day. When Jem got home Scout told Jem that she found uncovered gum on a tree near the school. Jem began to yell at her and say that the gum could be poisoned, Scout does what he says. Almost at the end, of the chapter Jem and Scout return to that same tree, they find a purple box that wedding rings come in with polished Indian head pennies inside of the purple box. Jem said that he would keep it for now and they would try to look for the person that lost the polished pennies. At the end of the chapter Dill, Jem, and Scout play as if they were the Radley family. Scout was Mrs. Radley, Dill was Mr. Radley, and Jem was Boo Radley. They recreate the rumors that were said to be true about Boo Radley, they also recreated the moment where Boo Stabbed Mr. Radley with scissors. In the end, Scout swears that she can hear laughing, she hears that the laughing is coming out of the Radley's house.

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Boo hearing new rumors about himself

I personally think that because of all the rumors that are spread about Boo, it makes him feel bad that so many people think about him like that. I wouldn't want to be in my home knowing that people talk about me and fully sprint when they pass my home. I wouldn't like that feeling, I think that Boo is just a normal guy and that maybe he did have a rough past as a teenager. However, I think that Boo put those gifts in the tree because he wants Scout and Jem to know that he is just a normal guy. Overall, I think that Boo is just a normal guy and he wants people to know that. Do you think that he is some sort of monster? Or do you agree with me? What do you think? 


  1. Good job explaining what Scout and later on Jem found on the tree and later on played the Boo Radley game which was them recreating gossips about him.I disagree with you because if Boo Radley was nice he would of come out of his house and make things clear with everyone.And I don't think that Boo Radley is putting gifts on a tree because he is nice,overall you did a good job explaining your opinion about Boo Radley and a good summary too explaining what happened in this chapter.

  2. Very good job Emily I like reading your post.First of all you did a good job about where Scout found the gum.Then when Jem found the two Indian head pennies. Also when they where the playing the game Boo Radley and how Atticus did not approve. I also agree with you in your opinion. I also like the memes.

  3. You had a good summary of chapter four in your first paragraph. I agree with you when you said Boo probably stays in his house all of the time because of all the rumors spread about him, rumors like the ones Scout and Jem already heard of can make anyone feel like they don't want to show their face around town, who knows how many other ones there are that the Finch kids hadn't heard yet. We don't know much about the gifts in the tree yet, only Jem and Scout's speculations on where they came from, so I neither agree nor disagree with you on that part.

  4. Good job overall Emily, your post was really good. I do agree with you that Boo stays in his home because there is bad rumors about him that could be false. That is probably why Boo does not want to come out of his home, the people will call him a creep. I do not think Boo is a monster, people are just to ignorant to really get to know him. I agree with you because not all of the rumors are true, he might just be a nice guy, but people are saying bad things which makes him feel embarrassed to come out of his home. Overall good job on this blog post.

  5. You had a really good idea of whats happening in the book so far. I strongly agree with you that Boo isn't as bad as they say and he doesn't want to show himself because of the false rumors being spread. I really dont think Boo is a bad guy but people keep spreading rumors about him and I think that's why he doesn't ever want to come out.

  6. I enjoyed reading your summary, and you have a very good understanding of the chapter. I also think that Boo may feel bad about the rumors that are spread around him, but at the same time, I don't know if they're true or not. I very much agree with your image about Jem hearing the laughing from the Radley Residence. That captions the shocking and afraid feeling I have of it. I do not think Boo is a normal guy however, since he's a grown man and still lives with his parents. Something must be up with him.
