Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Boo and His Tree

 At the end of the school year of Scout She found gum in the Radley's place. she picked it up she smelled it she licked it and since she did not die she ate it. When her brother got home he got mad at her because it was at the Radley’s place. She said she founded on the tree so she gave him evidence. Jem Looked closer to the tree and found a box with pennies in it.But it was not a regular Penny it was a Indian head penny. And if you search how much they cost they cost around $1000 to $4000. Also because they were old and very old. it was summer so Dill Came over and ask what they were going to play. he was tired of playing one role so he said if he could play another roll. He told Scout to make a story up. They went to go get an old tire Dill wanted to do first because he just got here but stopped when first. Jem push the tired as hard as he can she was terrified but could not put her hands out to stop it.
I would be very scared to touch a gum from the Radley's place. If I were to hear all of those scary stories about him. But I know that Boo is not like that he wouldn't put poison in his tree. I would have told my mom right away that I Boo’s tree. I would also be bored if I got the same role that was boring over and over again. It looks very fun to get in a tire and roll. But it is also scary because you can go and extremely speed and you won't be able to stop it. if you were to put your hand out it would have been burned by the cement and the speed. So I would like to do that if I was going in tremendous speed. Why are you so ignorant about Boo if you still don't meet him don't talk to him her never seen him. He could just be another nice neighbor. I also didn't understand the beginning of Chapter four and all of those ways you can teach.
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1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job summarizing what happened in that part of the book. I also agree with you about being scared of Boo and that Scout, Jem and the other neighbors shouldn't be scared of Boo because they haven't even meet him in person.
