Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Miss Maudie and Boo Radley

In chapter 5, we learn more about Miss Maudie and Boo Radley. Miss Maudie is the Finches favorite neighbor and has a very green thumb. She oves to garden and thinks that time spent indors is time wasted. She also enjoys baking and often makes cakes. One day Scout and Miss Maudie were talking and Scout asked her if she knew anything about Bood Radley and if she thought he was alive. Miss Maudie tells her that she knows that Artur is alive because they hadn't brought his bodie out. She also asked my they never leave their house. Miss Maudie tells her that they are foot washing baptists and think that basically everything was a sin and that everyone should stay home and read the Bible. They also take the Bible very seriously. When Scout was playing in the yard, Jem and Dill tried to make her leave, but she wouldn't. They let her stay, but only if she does what they say, she says ok. Dill and Jem tell her that they are going to put a note on Boo Radleys window. They ultimatley get caught and Atticus tricks Jem into admitting everything they've been doing.

I don't have many opinions on this chapter, but I can say a few things that struck my mind. The first being Miss Maudie and her lifestyle. Its really interesting to me, and I really enjoy reading about her. I aslo think that she is a really good character for Scout and a good female for her to look up to. Another thing that I have seen in this chapter is how poorly Boo is treated by most of his neighboors. I feel bad for him because no one has gotten to know him or even attempted to. I think he deserves a chance to be treated just as all the others are. Do you feel bad for him?  Do you tink he for some reason deserves it?

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