Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

School Has Ended

It is now Summertime for Scout and Jem which means that Dill will be coming over to spend the summer with them. Dill comes to stay with his aunt Miss Rachel in the summer because his mom wants a break from him, which is sad because his father doesn't want to spend time with him either. Dill is a small person but according to scout he grew over the summer. Dill was there to play two days after they got out of school. When Dill arrives and they play for the first time since last summer he says that he no longer wants to play the characters that no one else will play. Dill also claims that he can smell death, he's obviously joking. They also talk about "Hot Steams" which are apparently people who can't get to heaven and if you walk through one on earth, you won't be able to get to heaven either. (Dill doesn't believe them) Scout suggests that they roll the tire which she will soon learn that wasn't a very good decision. Jem was still offended by Scout  because she contradicted him about the Hot Steams.

Image result for to kill a mockingbird chapter 4 memes
Scout gets into a crash because Jem pushed her very hard. Scout sees the colors whirl by and she feel her ears throb and she was suffocating. She turned out to be okay even though she felt a little nauseated. I liked this part of the chapter because it shows the sibling relationship that Jem and Scout have. It also shows in the next part where you can see that Jem instantly regrets this because he runs after her chasing and yelling, he was worried that she would get hurt. Meaning that even though they had the fun playful sibling relationship he also cares about her and watches out after her. 

1 comment:

  1. The book does show that Jem and Scout have a brother-sister relationship like one in real life. Jem is first mad at Scout for contradicting him about Hot Steams, but after wards, he is sorry for using his anger to hurt Scout. Also, I think Dill has a dysfunctional family because none of his parents want to spend time with him, and just want him out of their sight.
