Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Trouble Makers

In chapter six,we find that Dill will be leaving to Mississippi and that today's his last day in Alabama.In his last day Dill,Scout,and Jem do something that they should of have since they were told by Atticus that they should leave Boo Radley alone.By that I mean Dill said to Jem,"let's go for a walk and Jem found something odd about it.Dill wanted to go to the Radley house,thy alos convince Scout to come with them.At first Dill has to be carried to see if they can see Boo Radley from the window but Dill couldn't see nothing.I was dumbfounded when Scout took a look and saw someone with a hat and before that she thought it was a tree.Later on they run because they heard a gunshot and they ran which I wasn't expecting and I found it funny how Jem left his pants because he got stuck in the fence.The last thing I am going to say that Mr.Radley shot in the air because Miss.Maudie said he probably scared a African American and a part I found kind of funny is that Atticus asked why Jem doesn't have any pants,later on Jem go gets his pants back.
My opinion about this chapter is that Jem,Dill,and Scout shouldn't of gone to the Radley place to take a look on their window.I have two reasons why it was a bad idea one is that it would be creepy having kids looking inside your window at night when you don't even know it.And second is that they should listen to Atticus because he said to leave Boo Radley alone.I find this chapter funny and shocking,One is that I find funny how Dill kissed Scout before leaving and two Jem getting stuck in a fence and leaving his pants to get out.I got shocked when Miss.Maudie told the kids(Dill,Jem,and Scout)that Mr.Radley shot at  black person,shot in the air trying to scare.Jem and Scout should know better because they were already told by Atticus to leave Boo Radley alone,but they chose not to leave him alone and decided to stock him by looking at his window. DO YOU AGREE WITH MY OPINION?

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