Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Mistakes Were Made

Dill and Jem decide to go and try to take a peek inside of the Radley house. At first, Scout does not want to go, but she ends up going with Jem and Dill. so they made an agreement and they spit on it. However, the situation doesn't turn out well as Mr. Nathan Radley set off a gunshot since he heard sounds and was defending himself, and Jem was risking a lot to go back to the Radley house after that incident to try to get his pants back since he may get in trouble if his pants are found by someone else.My opinion is that they should of never went to his house because they knew they were going to get in trouble  I think of this situation is it was a very bad decision in the first place, but it was also very dangerous as one of them could've been shot by Mr. Nathan Radley. they also got in a lot of danger. When they got back they said that they where playing a game of poker they asked if they were gambling. However Atticus told them that he would never like to hear about this ever again.he woke up around  two in the morning, Jem decides that he is going back to the Radley house area to get back his pants that he left there. While they were running away, Jem's pants got caught on the fence.
My opinion of this book is that It was kind of silly because he lost his pants because of a bet. I think that it is a good idea that Jem to get his pants so he does not  getting into more trouble.But, if I was him, I would not go back to get my pants. My reading is because Mr. Radley could of had shot me and I was going to be dead. Or I would get caught by Mr. Radley and I was going to be in big trouble to. I had never played poker but I have heard about it. Overall this chapter was verry funny and it also had a lot of drama.
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