Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

First Week of School

In chapter seven we find out three main things. The first thing being that Scout has started second grade. Scout still seems to be ahead of the class and is bored at school. Jem and scout now get out of school at the same time. One day when scout and Jem were walking home Jem tells scout about the night he got his pants back at the Radley house. Scout is surprised about this because Jem was very upset about what happened. This was a very emotional night and I can see why he wouldn’t want to talk about what happened.
Bringing up something edmotional that just recently happened can make you go through the same emotions again. I do think that talking about emotional things at some point in your life is good. Holding in all of your emotions will make the situation worse than it already is. Jem then goes on to say that the day he went back for his pants they were folded up on the fence and someone sewed up the pants as well. Jem also points out that who ever sewed up the pants didn’t do a good job and it wasn’t neat. I don’t really know who did this. There are alot of characters in the book and for any character in the book you should probably make a good argument about how it could be them.
The last major thing that happened in this chapter had to do with the knothole in the tree. During this chapter Jem and Scout find a ball of twine, two figures carved from soap that look similar to Jem and Scout, a whole pack of gum, and a grandfather watch. When things started to show up in the knothole I thought that the things were from a child or random animal but know I don’t think so. This is because the soap carvings look like Scout and Jem and a older person would probably have the skill and time to do this. Also the fact that things only show up during the school year. Jem and Scout didn’t look in the knothole during the summer but I think that nothing was in there at that time. The saddest part of this chapter to me is when the knotehole is covered up my Nathan Raley. I think that it is strange that he covered up the hole with cement know even though it has been there for at least a year.
I think that this part of the book is sad because Jem and Scout are very sad about this. Scout doesn’t cry about it but Jem does. When he was comforting Scout when they first found out about the knothole I think that he was really comforting himself. I think that we do this in our own life. If you are trying to be a good role model and comfort someone else you also say those things to tell yourself everything will be okay. This is just Jem’s personality. He tries to act tough in front of Scout and hold in his edmotions so he often cries in secret. I think that Jem is trying to live to to his father as well. I think that Jem should stop doing this because it will hurt him emotionally.

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