Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Bad Decision

In chapter six, we find out that it is Dill's last day in Alabama, and that he is leaving to Mississippi the net day. Jem and Dill decide to try to take a look through the window with the loose shutter of the Boo Radley house. At first, Scout didn't want to go with them, but she finally gives in and goes with them. They go in through the backyard, during night. Scout and Jem help Dill get up to the window, and Dill takes a look inside the Radley house. He says that he could only see a little bit of light coming from in the house, but nothing else. They tried seeing into the room by the front window. Jem went onto the porch to get a look through the window. They were caught by Mr. Nathan Radley, and Scout was almost shot by Mr. Radley. While they were getting out, Jem's pants got caught on the fence, and he left them there. Dill covered up for Jem while saying that he won a bet and won Jem's pants. Jem went to go get his pants back in the middle of the night, and successfully returned.

I think that what Jem, Scout, and Dill did was not okay. Atticus told them that they should stop bothering Boo Radley, but they disobeyed him. Instead of not bothering Boo like Atticus said, they went out and tried looking into his window. That is the opposite of what Atticus said to do. I think that they should have never done that because now they have disobeyed Atticus. What they did was also very dangerous. They could have gotten shot and killed, and it would have been their fault for obsessing over a man. I think that what they did was very irresponsible and immature. And to make matters worse, they lied to Atticus and Miss Rachel to cover it up. They made many bad decisions in this chapter, that put them in danger. Jem also went back in the middle of the night to get his pants back. He put himself in a lot of danger by doing this because he could have been shot by Mr. Nathan Radley. He didn't make the best decision by going out in the middle of the night to get his pants. In conclusion, I think that Jem, Scout, and Dill all made very bad decisions that put them in danger, or that would have gotten them in a lot of trouble.

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