Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 22, 2018

School Problem

So we start with Scout going to school for the first time and she has a teacher Miss.Caroline and things didn't go as planned for the first day.Both started off the school year with a bad start because at first Miss.Caroline didn't like that Scout can read and write,she should be proud of her that she is ahead.And the worst part is that she shamed Scout by whipping her in front of the class which got her really embarrassed and wasn't nice of her because her classmates laughed at her.Another thing that I didn't blame Scout was when she offered Walter a quarter to buy food because she thought that he had forgot to bring his lunch.But actually Walter is very poor and he can't afford to bring lunch and he won't accept the quarter that Miss.Caroline offered him because there is no way he could pay her back,he would rather starve than rather owe money to someone.And Miss.Caroline doesn't know that is going on like why doesn't he have a lunch or why he won't accept the quarter and pay her back tomorrow.She is having a rough day because of all the stress and she even cried when Burris Ewell said mean things to her and things aren't going well right now for her.Burris Ewell only comes to school for a couple of days and later on he doesn't show up for the rest of the year.
So far I kind of like this chapter because Jem and Scout did a good thing inviting Walter for lunch because he never gets to eat anything.A funny part that I like is when Scout was punching Walter because Scout is a girl and Walter is a boy.I feel bad for Miss.Caroline because things aren't working out for her,she is stressed out.First she doesn't understand why Walter a very poor boy can't accept her quarter to buy lunch and second Burris Ewell said  mean things to her that made her cry,moving on I like of Scout and Atticus made a deal,Scout keeps going to school and her dad will keep reading to her because she didn't want to go to school and if she didn't her dad Atticus would go to jail.But I hope things get better for Miss.Caroline because she is the one going with serious stress and not been respected by some of her class(Burris Ewell).I like how Walter didn't accept the quarter from Miss.Walter because he know if he takes it he won't be able to pay her back,most of us would of taken it.And that he would rather starve than rather be in debt,owing money to someone.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about liking this chapter sofar. Also about feeling bad for Miss.Caroline because she didn't understand Scout, Burris,and Walter. Next time I think that you should relate the book to your life.
