Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The First Day of School

So far, To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book. I got to see some summer rivalry between Jem and Dill, as well as a very egotistic teacher. In my opinion, Miss Caroline should talk to Atticus, who is Scout's father, about the whole reading situation. She can get to know his job and that he is well educated, and to see his own point of view on the reading situation. When Scout gets scolded by Miss Caroline by learning how to write in cursive, she gets mad at Calpurnia  because she taught her this. Overall, the time before lunch was not a good time for Scout.

Before she went off to lunch, Scout got stuck in a conversation between Walter Cunningham and Miss Caroline. Walter did not want any money because his family has no money, so he cannot pay her back. This was another act of ignorance by Miss Caroline. She thought she was doing something nice, and the kids were just being rude, but she just didn't get to know the families before the year started. After lunch there was a much worse event that occurred. Burris Ewell, whose family is not so great, gats mad and starts swearing at Miss Caroline. Other people come in to stop, but it is no no use. Miss Caroline breaks, and Burris leaves.

When Scout gets home, she tells Atticus about the whole reading situation, and Atticus advises for a compromise. If Scout would go to school, Atticus would still read. he also explains that the Ewells have been a disgrace to Maycomb for 60 years, or three generations, and that special rules have been established for them only. Lastly, Atticus tells Scout that if you truly want to know someone, you have to step into their shoes and walk around in them for a little bit. He is basically saying that if you want to know someone, you have to live their life for a little while to understand their situation.


  1. I liked your thoughts on this. Miss Caroline probably should've talked to Atticus about the whole reading situation before telling Scout that he shouldn't be teaching her. You're also right that she should've gotten to know the families before the year started before assuming that all the kids were being rude to her when she was trying to be nice. It's her first year of teaching, egotistical and ignorant are good words to describe her so far. I also liked how in your third paragraph, you put the fact that the Ewells are such a disgrace to Maycomb for so long that special rules had been established for them, and how Atticus said if you want to know someone, you have to live their life for a little while to understand their situation.

  2. Yeah, Miss Caroline had started off the school year bad for herself, since she hadn't gotten to know all the students well, so that really backfired on her. I think though that she should be a bit more stronger though, she cried very easily after a CHILD had said means things to her. Anyways, the deal Atticus made with was Scout was very smart, because both ends of the deal both benefit Scout. By going to school, she learns and reviews topics and things, which benefits her in the long run, and when she comes home and Atticus reads to her, it benefits her as well.
