Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Chapter 7 TKAM- Aldo

So first it was the first day of school for Jem and Scout and now Scout is in the second grade, also now Scout can walk with Jem because they both stay late now so they walk home together and Scout said that that is the only good thing about the second grade. Then when Scout and Jem were walking home Jem told Scout what happened that night when he went to go get his pants. That day Jem went to go get his pant, Jem said that they were all in a triangle and that he could not get them loose and when he went back they were all folded across the fence and he said that they knew that Jem was going to go for his pants and knew what he was thinking. Then after they went near the knot hole tree and this time there was a ball of grave twine and Scout was going to grave it, but Jem said no because it might be someone else, and Jem said it might be Walter Cunningham and that he hides his thing here during recess and right after they take it away.

Then three days passed and took it and they said from now on everything they found int the knot hole tree was there property. Then it was October and that day there was something in the Knot hole tree again and Jem let Scout pulled it out and it was two small images carved in soap, and one was a figure boy and the other one was wearing a crude dress. It look like Scout did not like it, so she threw the two figures into the ground. Then Jem told Scout that they are good and he never seen something that good before. Then Jem said that the figure was wearing  bangs and Scout was wearing bangs and they said that its them and they taught it was someone and at first and they taught it was Mr. Avery, then they thought it was Miss Stephanie  Crawford sweetheart.

Then they said that she never pays attention to them. Then they kept finding things like medals for spelling contest, a packet of chewing gum, and then they found a pocket watch that would not run and on a chain with an aluminum knife. Then Scout told Jem that they should tell Atticus about the tree, then Jem said no because Atticus would think bad about Jem, so he said no. Instead Jem and Scout wrote a note and placed it into the tree because they wanted to know who was putting stuff in the tree. Then the next day they went and check and the tree was filled with cement and Scout wanted to cry, but Jem told her not to.

Then after Jem told Mr. Radley that why he putted sinemet in the tree and he said that it was dying. Then shortly after he told Atticus about the tree and Atticus said that it was not dying and that it was wealthy. Then Jem told him that Mr. Radley said that the tree was dying and Atticus told Jem that probably it was dying. Then Jem was standing there until nightfall and when he walk inside the house, Jem was  crying.

In my opinion It was nice that Jem and Scout walk together now. I also feel good for them because they found nice things in the Knot hole tree like a pocket watch and a medal. To be honest I wanted to know who was putting the items in the tree, but sadly Mr. Radley put cement in the tree and now its gone. At the end I felt bad for Jem because he was crying, but I really do not know why he was crying because he just walk in crying. I am now kind of suspicious of Mr. Radley because he put the sentiment in the tree, but it was not dying and it sounded perfectly find how Atticus explain it and probably he was putting those things in the Knot hole tree and was tired of it of someone taking his stuff.

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