Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Bad Omens

There is snow in Maycomb! When Scout wakes up, she says she had never seen snow in her life. Instead, she thought the world was ending. She and Jem think that their "bad behavior" caused this snow. Mr Avery told them that they had acted sinfully and that the whole town payed for it in the form of snow. Scout and Jem, since school is cancelled, decide to make a snowman. It is a caricature of Mr. Avery as a revenge against him for accusing them. The town has no heating, so the town has to use fireplaces and stoves to heat their homes. This lack of heat causes something violent during the night. This shows that Mr. Avery is a firm believer in omens and thinks that the storm came because of the kids.

Scout is woken up by Atticus in the middle of the night because Miss Maudie Atkinson's house was on fire. Maycomb did not have a proper fire department, so the men of the city have to use buckets to put out the fire. Also, a fire truck from the nearby town of Abbottsville comes over to help. We learn that Miss Maudie wanted the house to burn down so she could have more area for her flowers. According to what Mr. Avery said, there were bad omens because of their behavior, and if omena are real, he is right, so Scout and Jem should stop with their "evil" doings.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you did a good job summarizing the reading. I also never thought of the connection that you made about JEm and Scout building a snowman. To improve you could maybe make a connection to your own life.
