Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Calpurnia and Church

It's summer and Atticus is away on a buisness trip. Calpurnia is staying with the children and watching them. While Atticus is gone, Calpurnia offers to take the children to her church. That saturday, Calpurina makes sure that Scout and Jem are really clean, this makes Jem kinda upset, but he gets over it. On sunday morning, Calpurnia is obsessed with making sure that the children look nice and presentable. She says she does this because she doesn't want people saying that she doen't look after her children. The children learn that their church is very differnt from Calpurnia. After the sermon, they collect donations that will go toward helpng out the Robinsons, specifically Helen, Toms wife. Reverend Sykes says that they do not have enough and that they need to have $10 in total, and that no one was to leave until they had $10. Eventually they reached $10 by Reverend Sykes calling people out who he knew were hoarding money, and everyone could leave. We learn a lot about Calpurnia and how she learnt to read, and that she doesn't know how old she is, only that she is older than Atticus. We also learn that she has always worked for the Finches and that they have always been good to her. Teh chapter ends with Aunt Alexandra sitting on their front porch as if she had always sat there.

I have many oppinions...ok maybe not many, but a few. For starters, I believe that Calpurina is really good for Scout and Jem and provides a motherly figure for them, especially Scout. She really cares about them and only wants whats best for them. You can tell she really cares that they are represented well and look like respectable young children. I also think that the way that their church is very interesting. The way they sing and the fact that Reverend Sykes counts the money that is donated and makes everyone stay in the hot, old, church until they collect $10. I know that the money is going toward a good cause, but I feel it's rude to make everyone add more mony than they already had and he should have been grateful for the money that they had collected. Another thing about Calpurina in this chapter is that she really doesn't know much about herself. I feel bad for her because she doen't even know how old she is, let alone her birthday. The last thing about this chapter is hwy in the world is Alexandra there? and is Francsis going to show up some time soon? I sure hope not.

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