Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Sam Bautista Blog Post

Aunt Alexandra was just randomly sitting on the porch, and the first thing that she said was for calpurnia to put her bag inside, and the second thing she said was to scout to stop scratching her head, Then she asked if their dad hasn’t told them that she was coming, the said that he probably forgot to tell them, she told them the reason that she came was to help them while they are “Growing up” so she is going to teach scout how to be a lady. Atticus came, and scout asks him if he has brought a book for her, he didn’t answer the question instead he answered it by saying how they would like their aunt to live with them. Continuing she was doing well in macomb, she had people over, and she was talking to them in a lovely manner, she told scout to come in, and talk to them, she then regretted it, because she was covered in mud. One day Atticus tells his sister that they are the first generation not to marry their cousins. later atticus goes into jem, and scout’s room to tell them, if they know that they are Finches. He then tells them more about the family tradition, and how they breeded carefully through the generations, He then got mad at scout for making noise, then she started crying, because this is not the atticus she knows, and loves, she then goes to cry on him, and he calms down, and leaves the room.

I got really surprised when Atticus said that the finches marry their cousins, and how jem, and scout would be the first not to. I don’t agree with aunt Alexandra being there, and teaching scout how to be a lady, I believe that people have the right to act the way they want. It was surprising that Atticus’s brother got put into jail for trying to shoot the president, and he cost the family $500, why would someone do that, or what was his intentions, and why. I keep wondering why the finches would want to keep their streak, of marrying their cousins, or as they call it there incestious streak. I wonder why Atticus was acting that way during the end of the chapter, like scout said this was not the normal Atticus she knows.


  1. I was really surprised when Atticus said that the finches marry their cousins too, but I don't know if they were just kidding or not. I also don't agree that aunt Alexandra begin there because she is trying to teach Scout how too be more like a lady, but Scout does not want to because she is a Tomboy. I think he was acting that way because Aunt Alexandra told her too.

  2. I agree with both you and Aldo, I was very surprised to read the part that had told us that Atticus and Alexandra are the first generation in the Finches, that have not married their cousins. It truly was odd that their relative tried to shoot the president. Lastly, I really do agree with you Sam, that people have the right to act the way they want, whether it be in Scout's case, being a tomboy, or any other way.
