Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

TKAM most of Chapter 17

In Chapter 17 so far we learn that the trial for Tom Robinson had started, for the rape of Mayella Ewell, Mr. tate was the first witness for the trial. Mr Gilmer was representing the Ewells , then Mr.Gilmer asks Mr Tate, what had happened of the day of the rape. Mr. tate said the Bob Ewell told him that Mayella was raped, and beaten up. Mr. Tate said that Mayella was lying on the ground, and she was beaten up, then Mayella said that Tom Robinson did it. Atticus then starts to ask questions to Mr Tate, for example Atticus repeatedly kept asking Mr. Tate why he did not call the doctor, to help Mayella. Atticus then tells Mr. tate, what was Mayella's injuries, Mr. Tate said that she had a black eye on right eye, and that he saw finger prints around Mayella's neck. Since Mayella had a black eye on her right eye, that means a left handed person did this.

I do not think that Tom Robinson did this to Mayella Ewell, I think that she might had injured herself, and blamed it on Tom, or that Bob Ewell did this to her to blame Tom. There is no medical evidence that she had injuries, because she was not taken to a doctor. I think Bob did this when he was drunk, and pretended to go to the woods, and blamed everything on Tom. I also think that, if Bob did really abuse Mayella, then Bob told her that he would abuse her again, if she tells someone that he did it, and did not blame someone else. This is what I think that happened that possibly made Tom go to jail, and have a trail, we do not know if this is real, or if Tom Robinson is innocent, and Bob Ewell caused the crime.


  1. I agree with you on the Tom Robinson didn't rape Mayella. However, I think it might have been Mayella's father, Bob Ewell. I think this, because on the witness stand, he got the attention he wanted. I think that if Bob did beat his own kid, he must have been pretty desperate for attention.

  2. I agree with you that Bob Ewell beat up Mayella and told her to say that Tom Robinson did it. Bob Ewell didn't call a doctor either, because he didn't want the doctor to know that he beat Mayella. Heck Tate wasn't an eye witness because Bob Ewell got him and Heck Tate saw MAyella on the floor after the crime happened. Mayella said the Tom did it, so he arrested Tom. Mayella lied to Heck Tate because something was going to happen to her if he told Heck Tate that Bob Ewell did it. Good job on your blog post and on what you think.

  3. I agree with what you said about Bob Ewell beating up Mayella and blaming it on someone else.I do think that Bob did beat her up because we know he is an alcoholic and maybe he was drunk and decided to beat his daughter.And good job with your blog post you added most of the things that we know so far even when Atticus asked why they didn't call a doctor.

  4. God job summarizing the scene of what we learned happened through the testimonies.I agree with you on how Mayelle could have been injured herself or possibly by someone else. I also like your theory on how Mr.Ewell could have just gotten drunk and did it, it makes sense. Also makes sense how Mr.Ewell could have told Mayella not to tell anyone or he would do it again.

  5. I believe that Bob most likely did this to Mayella. I did not however think about the fact that he could have threatened her. I do believe that Tom is innocent, and I feel bad that he has to go through this.

  6. Good job summarizing what happened in the chapter. I agree with you that Tom Robinson did not rape Mayella and she might of been the one that hurt herself. I think that Bob might of have beaten up Mayella because he is left handed himself and there were injuries on the right side.

  7. Interesting I liked your summary. It contained the main gist of what happened. On Mayella Ewell I do not think she injured herself. I think Bob Ewell did this. Everyone will probably know by the end of the case Bob Ewell did this, though they will still probably vote Tom guilty I think.
