Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bob Ewell Exposed?

In chapter 17, The trial has just started and Mr. Heck Tate was at the witness stand. Mr. Gilmer is representing the Ewells, Mr. Gilmer simply asked Heck Tate What had happened and what did he see at the Ewell property. Heck Tate describe that Bob Ewell found him and told him what had happened of course as the good sherriff he is he quickly went, when he arrived he saw Mayella lying on the floor in the middle of the front room. He says that she was pretty beaten up, after she washed her face she told him that the person that did that to her was Tom Robinson. All Mr. Gilmer had to ask was that simple question, he has a white women saying that she was raped by someone of color. Atticus had the chance to ask questions he asked Heck Tate, if he called a doctor he repeated the same question a couple times. Atticus then asked what were the injuries that Mayella had, Heck Tate described that he saw hand marks around her neck and had a blacking eye. He finally remembered that the blacking eye was on the right side of her face, that meant a left handed person must have done it.

I personally think that Mayella's injuries were from Bob ewell, Bob Ewell is a jerk and an alcoholic. I think that he was drunk one night and began to hit her violently, so he decided to blame it on someone and have Mayella Lie for he wouldn't get in trouble. Although this may be incorrect this might be a reason that this happened, or I could be completely wrong and it is something completely different. Heck Tate said that at night it was when Bob Ewell fetched him and told him what happened, as I said before it was night. Bob Ewell has around six or nine children if this was at night wouldn't they be home? Wouldn't they witness what had happened or have heard the commotion and check it out? This was just a thought that came into my head. Do you agree with me? If not, why? What do you 

Related image
Maybe Bob Ewell...?


  1. I also think that Bob was the responsible one from Mayella injuries and I am surely positive he did it. I think your story or opinion about one time he was drunk and abused her that day. To be honest I think that Bob Ewell did it and he is the one who is responsible from her injuries. I do agree with you Emily, Bob is not a nice pearson. Nice job with your blog Emily.

  2. I agree with you when you said that Bob Ewell could of done this to his daughter,beat her.I just know he did it because he is a drinks a lot and maybe after he beat Mayella up he may of told her to blame it on someone.And yeah he has a lot of kids,but were they home when this happened?We don't know,but if I had to guess they must of been told to stay silent and good job with your blog post I liked how you said Bob could of beat her because I agree with you.

  3. Good job with your post, Emily. I really enjoyed reading this post and I agree with you. Bob Ewell is an alcoholic and could of easily been drunk the night Mayella was beaten up. And he is left handed which can explain why Mayella injuries were on her right side, he also didn't mind calling a doctor which means that he has something to hide or just doesn't care for Mayella enough. But I don't get something, Bob could of kept Mayella's injuries a secret and wouldn't be in this big mess, but I don't know. This is just my personal opinion.

  4. I also think that hee injuries were from bob ewell to trick Heck into believing that tom also beat her instead of just rapeing her Yeah wouldn't any other child be there just like scout said that there was always little dirt stained kids looking out the windows when they passed by so it seems weird why nobody except mayella was there. I don't think they would be witnesses because they claim they weren't there, but nice observation. Yor blog was very well made. And I really like the meme relating to Bob Ewell

  5. Very good job Emily I enjoyed reading your blog post I also agree with you that Bob could have easily been drunk and beaten her up. We also find out that he is left handed from his trick question from Atticus. He also did not call a doctor because there was mabey no actual rape. However I do think that Bob was treating her so she did not say the truth. We will find out the truth in the next chapter. I like your meme Emily very good job.
