Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

TKAM Chapter 17

       Heck Tate is already at the witness stand when Jem, Scout, and Dill sit down. Mr. Gilmer does a direct examination on Heck Tate and Mr. Gilmer asks him to describe what happened. Heck Tate says that Mr. Ewell came and told him that someone raped Mayella. When Heck Tate got to the Ewell's house, he saw Mayella on the floor with injuries. Mayella told him that Tom Robinson rapped her and beat her. Heck Tate went to Tom Robinson's house and arrested him. Mr. Gilmer doesn't ask anymore questions because he has a white woman's word that she was raped and it is an all white jury. Atticus does a cross examination on Heck Tate and he asks if he called a doctor and he said no. Heck Tate and Mr. Ewell have something to hide because they should of called a doctor because of her injuries. The Atticus asks were her injuries were and the injuries were on the right side of her body with a black eye on her right eye. She also had finger marks all the way around her throat. The person must have been left handed because all of her bruises were on her right side and there were none on her left side and the person must have used two hands on her throat. This narrows it down to a few people that beat Mayella. Atticus does this in a sneaky way, so Mr. Gilmer doesn't object. Heck Tate saw what Atticus was doing, but he didn't say anything.
         Mr. Ewell is next up on the witness stand and Mr. Gilmer does a direct examination. He asks the same question to Mr. Ewell that he asked Heck Tate. Mr. Ewell was gathering wood until he heard Mayella scream. Mr. Ewell runs back as fast as he could and he looked through the window and saw Tom Robinson raping Mayella. He was going to chase him, but he ran into the fence.  He checked Mayella and then got Heck Tate. After he said that, he pointed at Tom and said that he raped Mayella. The courtroom is getting emotional and he influences the jury, so that they protective over Mayella and to find Tom guilty. Atticus is going to have to find a way, so that the jury doesn't think that Tom raped Mayella and find him guilty. Did any of Mr. Ewell's children witness what happened? What is Mr. Ewell and Heck Tate trying to hide? 


  1. Very good job Aiden I Like how you explained what was happening in the trial. I also like how you explained the testimony of Bob ewell and how he stood up. To answer one of your questions I dont think a single child was there. Overall very good job,however I would like to hear more of your opinion of the trial so far. I would add some gifs or memes to make it entertaining to read.

  2. Aiden, you have a very detailed summary of the reading. I like how you mention that the jury was getting emotional. You also mentioned that all Mr. Gilmer had to do was get the jury to know a black man raped a white woman. However, you should show some opinion in here. You kind of show that in the questions you ask in the end of the blog.
