Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Rest of Chapter Nine.

  In the rest of chapter nine, Uncle Jack had gone to Scout's room to talk to her. Scout had then told him that he really didn't understand children and later told him that he should see both sides of the situation. She then told her side of the fight, how Francis had said awful things about Atticus, and she could not stand it, so she hit him. She also cursed, because Francis provocated her enough, so she had let her anger out. Uncle Jack had then gotten very angry, because Francis had said disrespectful things about Atticus, an adult. Scout had then told him to not tell Atticus about this, because she does not want Atticus to know that she fought Francis, because she had gotten mad at him, because of how he had made rude remarks about their family. Uncle Jack said he wouldn't tell Atticus about this for her. 
Around the end of the chapter Scout had woken up and crept downstairs, eavesdropping on Uncle Jack and Atticus's conversation. Atticus had known the whole time that Scout had been listening. He had told Uncle Jack things about Scout that she does and things he hope she does in a way that she feels motivated to do it, since her father once her to be like this, and she and Jem don't like disappointing her father. This was very smart of Atticus to do in my opinion. He used to this situation to motivate Scout to do the things that he had said in his conversation with Jack.


  1. Very good job Jorden I really like how you explained the part where Scout said uncle Jake was wrong. Also when she tells him to hear both sides of the story and how you explained how she said. I also like how around the end you said that he knew she was their. Because most people forget to put this down. Overall it was really good. However I would put more of your opinion and memes and gifs.

  2. You had a very good summary and a good understanding of whats going on in this chapter. I agree that Atticus pulled a smart move while talking to Uncle Jack because he wanted Scout to hear everything he said. Atticus knew that Scout was there but he wanted Scout to listen to everything he says.
