Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trouble for Tom Robinson's Family

         In chapter 12, Jem and Scout go to Calpurnia's church. They enter the church and see that things are different from their other church. One lady, Lula, told Calpurnia that she shouldn't bring Jem and Scout to their church since Jem and Scout are white and have their own church. Jem and Scout wanted to leave after church since they were not wanted, but other people told them to ignore Lula and welcomed them to the church. Jem and Scout noticed that the church Calpurnia's church was different from their church, like how they didn't have any hymn-books. During the collection, Reverend Sykes didn't let anyone leave the church until they got ten dollars. The money that gets collected goes to Helen, Tom Robinson's wife. Tom Robinson is in jail, so he can't raise any money for his family. They have three children, and Helen can't go to work and leave the children alone. The people of the church raise money for Helen and her children since her husband is in jail and she can't work. It has become hard for Helen to even find a job since no one wants to get involved with Tom Robinson's family.

        I think that it is sad what is happening to Tom Robinson's family. I feel bad that his family needs to suffer because Bob Ewell accused Tom of raping his daughter, even though that was probably a lie. Tom Robinson is stuck in jail and has no way of helping his family. I feel bad for his family because he had to leave his wife all alone with three little children. Tom Robinson's children have to suffer the loss of their father for some time, and they will have to experience difficulty in their lives for some time since they have no way of making money. I think that it is very unfair that they are doing this to Tom Robinson and his family. His family will have to go through tough times now that he is in jail. I also think that it is very nice of the church to help Helen and her family. For example, Reverend Sykes wouldn't let anyone leave until they had raised ten dollars for helen and her family. This is very kind and generous of him and the people of the church. The people probably don't have a lot of money as well, but they give up some of their money to help Tom Robinson, Helen and their three children.


  1. I really agree with you in your opinion paragraph. It really is sad to see the Robinson family suffer, even though they did nothing, since Tom Robinson most likely did not rape Bob Ewell's daughter. I really respect Reverend Sykes a lot, since he is very welcoming towards Jem and Scout and because he is raising money for Tom's family, since they are going through a hard time, financially and emotionally.

  2. I agree with everything the second paragraph states. Reverend Sykes raises dollars for Tom Robinson, and is going to desperate measures for it.This shows his commitment towards Tom and I respect him a lot for this. What makes this even more surprising is that they give up the money that they have so little of, and I respect him even more for that. Also, I agree with the Ewells' accusation being a lie. Maycomb is very ignorant, especially towards blacks, and I think that is why I think the Ewells are lying. It seems like the blacks are very nice and courteous to the whites, but the whites are very ignorant and racist towards the blacks. This shows the blacks put aside differences so they can worship God together.
