Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

TKAM Chapter 13

In this chapter, Aunt Alexandra will be staying with Atticus and his family, for a while. This is because she knows that Jem and Scout are growing up, so she wants Scout to start acting like a mature lady. The people in Maycomb welcomed her to be part of their town, for example, Miss Maudie had made a cake for Aunt Alexandra. Miss Stephanie had really long visits with Aunt Alexandra, and Miss Rachel would invite Aunt Alexandra for coffee in the afternoon. When Atticus comes back from Montgomery, he tells Scout if it was okay that Aunt Alexandra could live with them for a while, Scouts says yes, but she was lying and did not mean what she had said. When Scout came into the front door, Aunt Alexandra told her to go say hi to her cousin Lily, then Scout tells Aunt Alexandra, that she did not know that cousin Lily was her cousin. When Atticus brings up the Finch streak of incestuous, Aunt Alexandra denies it. Aunt Alexandra wants Jem and Scout to live up to the Finch family name.

In my opinion, I think that Aunt Alexandra is really mean to Scout mostly. This is because she is always judging her on her personality, and how they look. Scout is still little, and still needs to learn how to mature, and that will take some time. Scout is still developing to become a girl, and start to wear dresses, and skirts. This is why Scout was really annoyed with Aunt Alexandra in this chapter, because she was pushing her by saying that she wants to make Scout dress and act like a girl,\. I think that Scout can wear and act the way she is a maybe take some of that teaching of being a girl, when she is older, and more mature.


  1. I agree with a lot of what you wrote about in your blog post. I really agree with you when you said that Scout is still young, and she still needs to mature which will take some time. With that, Aunt Alexandra should not push her to be feminine so much. However, I disagree with you with when you said that Aunt Alexandra is mean. I just think that Aunt Alexandra does not understand much about Scout, and she just needs to learn that Scout needs time to mature. I like your idea of how when Scout starts to mature, she may change and become more feminine, she just needs time. However, I really agree with you with when you said that Aunt Alexandra needs to understand that Scout is still young, and she still needs time to mature. Overall, I agree with you on most of the thoughts and opinions that you had on this chapter.

  2. I agree with your opinion about Aunt Alexandra been mostly mean to Scout.Right now it's not the time for Scout to grow up or be a proper lady because she is still a little girl.In my opinion it would be best if Aunt Alexandra left because she is not really needed right now in Scout's life.I agree with you when you said that Aunt Alexandra has to understand that Scout is not old enough or that she is still young.Overall you did a good job with your summary and I liked your opinion.

  3. Very good job Alex I also agree with Eva in a lot of thing she is still young and yeah it will take a long time. But agree with you that she is mean mostly because of their name they need to keep their tradition. But what I do agree with you is that she is mean but she does have to understand how sScout is Also very good job in adding your opinion because many people forget to put it. The thing that I really want to know is your opinion. Overall good job Alex I would just add a meme or gif to make it more fun to read.

  4. Good job with your summary, I really enjoyed the detail you added in your summary. I agree that Aunt Alexandra should let Scout grow and let her express herself. She should build a relationship with her and try to see the world in Scout's way. And slowly Scout will mature and be ladylike. Right now Aunt Alexandra should focus on what Scout thinks.

  5. Nice job with your summary. I agree with you that Scout is still learning to be a woman and she still needs some time to grow. Aunt Alexandra is mean to Scout because she doesnt know her that well yet. Aunt Alexandra should build a good relationship with Scout so she could understand why Scout is acting the way she is now. Overall I agree and disagree with some things in your opinion.
