Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sam Bautista Blog Post

In this chapter Jem, Scout, and Dill went to the trial of Tom Robinson, they come a little late so they get there when the witnesses are testifying, and the first person to testify was Mr.Heck tate. Mr. tate was first being question by Mr.Gilmer, Mr.Gilmer asks Heck to describe what happens in his own words, He says that, he was leaving his office when, Bob came running to tell him that Tom Robinson, then they get in his car, and goes to the Ewell’s house. He saw Mayella on the ground, and he says she had some injuries, on her left side of her face, after talking about them he takes questions from atticus, Atticus asks him if he is sure that the injuries were on her right, his right side, Heck then remembers that  it was on her left side of her face, then atticus asks why they didn’t call a doctor, Heck then says that her injuries didn’t require medical attention. The next witness was Bob Ewell, Mr.Gilmer asks him to say what happened in his own words, he says in very colorful language how he was coming from the woods when he heard a scream. Then he ran to his house, and saw Tom rapeing his daugther, then he says that Tom ran, away, And then Bob ran to the sheriff.

Mr Gilmer was very confident in this part of the chapter, he just let his witnesses talk, until they were finished, Mr. Gilmer made the smart move to tell the witnesses to tell the story in their own words. Mr. Gilmer is smart but he wasn’t smart enough to understand what Atticus’s strategy was. Atticus strategy was to clear up what happened, like when he kept asking Mr.Tate, if anyone called a doctor. So far I am very interested about this chapter, because I do not want Tom to lose, because it means that an innocent man will be put to death. I can not wait until we find out about what happens next, because I want to see Atticus’s strategy in action more
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