Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Aunt Alexandra who?

In chapter 13, Aunt Alexandra had brought her suitcase and Scout began to feel nervous. Aunt Alexandra told her that she and Atticus discuss about her staying with them at home, She said that Scout need a feminine influence and would for not that many more years she would be interested in clothes and boys. When it was sunday Aunt Alexandra dressed up into her corset and put on some protective undergarments, supposedly she used to have a Hourglass figure. As time went on it was like Aunt Alexandra had been living with them their whole life, she fit into Maycomb like a glove. Miss Maudie made her cake, Miss Stephanie Crawford visited her, Miss Rachel drinks coffee with her in the afternoons, and Nathan Radley entered their yard to greet her. However, she didn't fit into Jem and Scouts lives, they just saw her durling mealtimes and before going to bed.  One time scout ran inside to get a drink when Aunt Alexandra had lots of women over, she invited Scout to come speak to them. However, Scout would be covered in sand or covered in mud. When Aunt Alexandra showed Jem the book that his cousin Joshua wrote, Jem responded as if he didn't no who he was and only knew that Joshua was locked up for a very long time. Atticus found out what had happened and asked Jem if he knew that he himself was a finch, Atticus turned serious and told them that they need to act like a lady and gentlemen. Scout grabbed a brush and made noises with it, it annoyed Atticus, Scout began to cry because she didn't recognize him. Atticus "turned" back to himself and regretted everything he had just told the kids, he asked if he was getting like cousin Joshua and if he will cost the family five hundred dollars.

I think that Atticus may have not completely agreed with Alexandra staying with them. She might have pushed him to say yes, so that she can try to change Scout and the way she acts. However, their idea hasn't changed much Alexandra is there and she fits right in with the people there, she made friends quick she hasn't made a change on Scout's point of view about the way she likes to dress. It is also like she is kind rubbing off on him and making Atticus believe that Jem and Scout need to change. I personally don't really like Aunt Alexandra she keeps on wanting to change the way Scout dress, I say let her dress the way she wants to and Aunt Alexandra can dress in her weird corsets. However, I do think it's good that she is there to help Scout when she needs it like "Girl stuff" but Cal could also help too since Scout is more comfortable with her. Overall, Do you like Aunt Alexandra? If you don't, why? What do you think?
Related image
Stephanie Crawford spilling the neighborhood Tea


  1. Your blog post was very good and you did a good job summarizing the chapter.I agree with what you said about Alexandra making Atticus change his view of his children. Atticus used to let Scout be herself and dress likes she wants to, but in this chapter we see that, for the first time, Atticus is trying to change Scout. I think this is because of Alexandra. I also think that Alexandra is influencing Atticus to change his children. I also don't really like Alexandra. She seems really bossy and she is trying to make Scout into something she is not. I think that she should let Scout be who Scout wants to be.

  2. Your blog post was very good, and you had a good summary and had good details from the chapter. I agree that Atticus doesn't completely agree with Aunt Alexandra moving in and trying to change Scout. Good point on how it hasn't changed that drastically because she fits into Maycomb so well. I also don't like Aunt Alexandra that much and I agree that Cal could help too. Also you had a good meme.

  3. I think that Aunt Alexandra has forced him, because she made him think that he isn't enough for his two kids. She probably made friends with her cousins, so that she wouldn't have to go door to door asking people to hang out. I also agree that everyone has the right to dress how they want,and Alexandra is taking that right away. Your blog was really detailed, and your meme was funny.
