Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

TKAM Chapter 13

        In chapter 13, Aunt Alexandra is going to visit Scout and Jem for awhile. She wants Scout to have a feminine influence and she says in a couple years, Scout is going to be more like a lady. While Aunt Alexandra is visiting them, Uncle Jimmy is staying at the landing. Aunt Alexandra is doing Atticus a favor, so Atticus is doing her a favor. People in Maycomb welcomed Aunt Alexandra. Miss Maudie Atkinson made a Lane cake for her, Miss Stephanie had long visits with her, Miss Rachel had coffee with her, and Mr. Nathan Radley greeted her. Aunt Alexandra joined and became the Secretary of the Maycomb Amanuensis Club. She was never bored and she never wasted time. She fit into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove.
         Atticus talks to Jem and Scout and says that Scout must act like a lady and Jem must act like a gentleman. Aunt Alexandra wants to talk about the family and what it meant to Maycomb county through the years, so they could have some idea of who they are and how might they move to behave. Scout started to cry and Jem was in the same pool of isolation. Atticus was trying to cheer them up by saying that everything was going to be alright. Aunt Alexandra brought out a book and Jem knew that book was about cousin Joshua. Atticus told Jem about Joshua. Joshua was nothing, but a sewer inspector. Joshua tried to shoot the president with a flintlock pistol and he blew up the president's hand. He made the family cost five hundred dollars to get him out of that one. I think that Aunt Alexandra is being harsh on Scout because she wants her to wear dresses and be more like a girl. All that Aunt Alexandra bothers Scout is about being a girl and acting like one. Scout can act how she wants to act and she can act more like a lady when she is older and is mature. Ever since Jem turned twelve, he has been acting more like Atticus. He is mature now and he does some of the things that Atticus does. Scout has been getting lonely because Jem has matured and is acting more like a gentleman.


  1. You have a really good blog post. However, most of what you wrote about was more like a summary, and I didn't really get to read much of your thoughts and opinions on the chapter. However, I do agree with what you think about the chapter. I agree with you when you said that Aunt Alexandra is being harsh, how Scout can act how she wants to act, and I definitely agree with you when you said that Scout has been getting lonely lately since Jem is maturing and acting more like Atticus and a gentleman. Overall, I agree with what you think about this chapter.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog post. Though I disagree with you on what is going on with Jem. You say he is growing more mature like Atticus however I think he is adopting an attitude especially towards his sibling. Like the stereotype of becoming a teenager. For one thing he did act kind sometimes though he is shoving it in her face how much older he is and how he is a gentlemen now though I would disagree with that statement. Though he is probably just going through a phase not maturing by any means.

  3. You have a really good understanding of the chapter! This was a very detailed summary, however, this is a blog post. It'd be better with some feedback or how you feel on the chapter. You did very good on explaining how Aunt Alexandra was there to make Scout into a lady. You also did well mentioning Jem's transformation into a maturing boy.

  4. Well done on doing this blog post, I really enjoyed it. This blog post was very detailed, and you explained the chapter really well. I agree that Jem is acting this way because he is starting to mature, it happens to everyone, and they need some time to think what they are going to do in their future. Overall I agree on this chapter, and good job.
