Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 26, 2018

TKAM Chapter 15

   Chapter 15 so far seemed to be the most important and symbolic. It carried a strong message and theme that we can all use to better ourselves. It was a warning to us to watch ourselves and be careful who we surround ourselves with. As being apart of a dangerous or misbehaving group can cause and have a strong influence on us to do the same. It is like peer pressure or mob mentality to follow what others do around us and act meaner or worse than you otherwise would have alone. Though the two good things about this is that you can break mob mentality and it has the same effect around successful people to make you act more like them. One example in the book already is of Atticus telling his daughter Scout not to fight over her dad's name getting trashed at school and though she slipped up a bit she did much better than expected because Atticus has such a high moral standard that it is hard not hold yourself to the same standard when you are with him. Though that is a very important lesson to take from this chapter which really makes it one of the best in this book, though what I really want to discuss is how Scout accidentally saved Tom Robinson's life and possibly her father's.
Image result for hidden identity memes
Walther Cunningham
   In specific Atticus said he was going for a walk and went to the jail watching Tom Robinson as they were going to kill him a mob of people who hate African Americans, he tried to talk sense into them and right as they were about to get physical with him Dill, Jem, and Scout rush in thinking it was the same people Atticus was talking to yesterday and feels flustered to realize it is not. They tell Atticus he has twenty seconds to get his kids out of there though Jem after understanding what happened yesterday thinks they will kill or seriously injure his father so Atticus tries to talk sense into Jem who won't leave. He is absolutely frightened as he was even shaking as here are these people with murder on the mind who he is trying to talk sense into and as they are starting to get impatient his kids walk in. He is frightened to death while Scout recognizes one of the faces in the crowd, she sees Walter Cunningham and tries to talk to him says he has a nice kid though he got her in trouble, and she says that she beat him up and that he was nice about it. He tries to ignore her though she is the only one talking and soon everyone even Atticus is staring at her dumbfounded. It is amazing what she did she by treating him like a person instead of just a normal member of the mob she breaks his mob mentality in a nice way as he realizes their situation he is causing and he became ashamed of himself. Though he finally responds to her and says thank you I will tell my son what you said and tells the men that they should leave which they do. It was amazing what she did without even knowing and the lesson from that chapter is so important making it my favorite chapter so far in To Kill a Mocking Bird.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with your blob Elianan! I agree with you that chapter 15 is going to be one of the most important in this book and also is symbolyc. I also agree that it carried a strong message too.I also agree that Atticus has a high moral standards and he is really important to chapter 15.
