Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Chapter 10 and part of chapter 11 in TKAM

So first, when Atticus holds a gun because he need to kill a dog that had rabies and it is dangerous because you can die from it. Then Atticus said that he could not hit it because he has not hold a gun in 30 years and it is a risk of shooting the dog because the dog was right in front of the Radleys house, so if he misses the shot he could shoot one of the Radleys. Then after he fired the gun and shot it and then Jem called Atticus and then Atticus said yes and after Jem said nothing and he did it again and Mr. Tate that he cannot talk, and then he said that did he never knew that Atticus was a, Then Atticus told him not to tell him. Then Mr. Tate and Atticus went back to town and Jem told Scout that it felt that the gun was a part of him. Then Miss Maudie told them that he can do something and back when he was a kid his nickname was Ol' One Shot.

In the Beginning of chapter 11, we know that Mrs. Dubose lives alone, accept one girl in constant attendance and we also know that she is very old and mostly spends her day on bed or on her wheelchair. Scout says that there are rumors that she keeps a pistol among her numerous shawls and wraps. We known that Scout and Jem did not like her because he will get mad easily on them even when they try their best to be nice to her. Then Atticus told Jem that she is and old lady and she's ill and that he should be a gentleman and one time Atticus would take off his hat and tell her that she looks like a picture this evening. Then after it was Jem's twelfth birthday and the next day he went to town because he had a lot of money and then Mrs. Dubose told them where are they going and Jem said to town and Mrs. Dubose said that there are to young to go to town.

Then Jem said that they been going to town since they were little and Mrs. Dubose said that he was lying and then Mrs. Dubose told him that he should not lie and that he is going t tell his dad because Miss Maudie told her that he broke down her scupper even though Jem has not been near it since last summer. Then one day Jem forget what Atticus of being a gentleman and the rumours about her so he went to her house and cut all the plants he owned and then Calpurnia caught them and then they went home. Then Atticus came and he told Jem if he was responsible for it and he said yes and then Atticus told him that he need to go to her house and apologize and fix her garden and when he came back he told Atticus that he was not really sorry and Atticus said what is the point of being sorry when your actually not. Then he told him that Mrs. Dubose said that he need to read to her everyday after school for two hours for one month and Atticus said that he needs to do it.

In my opinion I was mad at Jem because he messed up Mrs. Dubose garden, but then not because now he need to read to her for two hours every day for one month. In my opinion I think Mrs. Dubose gets to carried away because she is alway mean even though Scout and Jem are trying to be nice to them.  In chapter 10 I feel bad for the dog because he died because he had rabies and Atticus shot him which i'm surprised about and he used to shoot thing when he was little and also the dog was helpless. I don't believe the rumors about Mrs. Dubose that she has a gun because she is too old to use one. Probably the most I feel bad in the pages we read will be Jem because he steps up for her sister and he had two read for two hours sadly.


  1. Your first three paragraphs were a pretty thorough summary, so good job on that. I agree with you that Dubose is always so mean to Scout and Jem, even though they try to be polite and nice to her. I agree about feeling bad for Tim Johnson. The dog had rabies and was suffering, but Atticus shooting it in the head was probably a good thing, not really another thing to feel bad for Tim Johnson about because he was putting it out of its misery. I was also surprised that Atticus used to and is such a good shooter, Scout had described him so much as a boring lawyer that it was hard to believe he's the best shot in Maycomb.

  2. Wow that was a long summary! After reading your opinion summary, I agree with some of your thoughts and disagree with some of your other thoughts. I wasn't that mad at Jem, when he had slashed up Mrs. Dubose's flowers, because she kind of had that coming, since she had kept saying awful things to them and talking bad about their father. Though it was still wrong for him to do what he had done to an old lady (Mrs. Dubose). I also disagree with you on the part where you had felt sorry for the dog, when Atticus had shot Tim. It was actually good that Atticus had shot Tim, since Tim was dangerous roaming the streets with having rabies, in my opinion. Finally, for some reason I have a feeling that Mrs. Dubose does carry a gun on her somewhere.

  3. Your summary was very strong. It was very detailed and really got the idea of the reading. First of all, I disagree where what Jem did was "messed up". I don't think it was necessarily messed up, but it was necessary. I think that it was an understandable response to what Mrs. Dubose said about Atticus and Scout. Second of all, I do agree with feeling bad for Jem. He has to read to her, for a reason we don't know, for a month. That must be scary, reading to a person that hates your family.

  4. You had a very well done summary, and it was really a long one. Your summary was very detailed and you got a lot of the things that we had read for those chapters in a half. The way that Jem was abusing Scout was really wrong, and the way he cut Mrs. Dubose' brushes, and snapped Scouts baton in half was really messed up. It was the wrong thing to do, that is what I think. I feel that Jem deserved the punishment that he had deserved, by reading to Mrs. Dubose for a month every day, I do not think that there is a worse punishment, to be reading to a mean, sick old lady. Overall good job on this blog post.
