Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Boo and Atticus

Recently a lot has happened with Boo and Atticus. While everyone was putting out Miss Maudies fire, Jem and Scout were waiting by the Radleys houseand were very cold. Once the Finches were all home, Atticus asks Scout where she got the blanket and he comes to the conclusion that Arthur Radley put a blanket on her. We have also recently been introduced to Tom Robinsons case. Scout is confused on why Atticus would take this case if he knows that he is going to lose and that the people of Maycombwill not like him.

Some people may believe that Boo put a blanket over Scout for a bad reason, but I truly believe that Boo is a good person. I think that everything that Boo has done, he has had good motives for. For example when he was putting things in the tree, I think he was doing it to be nice, or when he gave Scout a blanket, I believe he did that to make her warmer and thats all, I do not think he did it for any bad reason. I really respect Atticus and everything he does. I think that Atticus representing Tom says a lot about his character and how high of morals he really has. He does a lot of things in chapter 9 that say a lot about him, all good things. We also learn the most about him than we have in the rest of the book so far. I think that Atticus is going to be one of my favorite characters in this book.


  1. I agree with you when you said you think Boo isn't a bad person. He probably gave Scout the blanket just because she was cold, not to lure her and Jem into anything. I also agree with you on the Atticus subject. Atticus is a hard character to not respect. He's defending Tom Robinson because it's the right thing to do, even though the town will hate him and his kids. Representing Tom really does say a lot about his character and high moral standards.

  2. I agree with what you said about Boo Radley. I also think he is a good guy, just misunderstood. I also don't think he is a bad guy that plans to murder Scout. I agree with you that Boo has done everything for a good reason. I think that Boo put the blanket over Scout to warm her up and because he is simply a good guy. I also respect Atticus. He does have very high moral standard, and he is a person of character and integrity. I also agree that Atticus choosing to represent Tom Robinson says a lot about him and the person he is. I think that he will be a very respected character in the book.

  3. I agree with you, Atticus is a man with character and I respect him on every decision he makes. Especially for the Tom Robinson case, he couldn't look his own children in the eyes if he didn't do the case. He is definitely a great man and because of people's ignorance in Maycomb they can't realize that. I also agree with you on Arthur Radley, I think he is just a guy with maybe his own problems. He truly covered Scout in a blanket to keep her from being cold, and gave them gifts to show that he is nice. Overall, Good blog post!

  4. I agree with you about how Boo's intentions aren't bad, I think that most people think that at this point. I also respect Atticus because he is just genuinely good person and you also had good points as to why Atticus is a good person of integrity. I also agree with you on Atticus being my favorite character.
