Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Mock Trial

  The mock trial had been a lot of fun, and I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to be able to attend a field trip like this! When we were there both the prosecution and defense had good points to why their side was right and why you should vote for their side. Though one side had really appealed to me (the prosecution's side). I as a juror had to take notes along with the other jurors, and at the end we had to decide whether or not that the one being accused were to pay the accuser an amount of money to cover for surgeries or not. Each of us had different opinions when we had gone into the room to decide it as a group.
  We had gone into a private room to discuss whether all of agreed on the same decision. A lot of us had agreed on that we thought it was right for the one who was accused to pay for the surgeries and health bills that the accuser had gotten, because of their actions. However two of our fellow jurors were unsure, so I had asked them what they had thought, we had discussed their opinions and in the end they were no longer unsure and it was a unanimous decision. In my opinion it was a lot of fun, and helped me understand law a bit better. It was a very educative and fun experience for me. I can't wait to go to the law firm!


  1. I agree with you the Mock Trial field trip was very fun, I got to learn the steps of how to become a lawyer from a successful one. Even though I probably wouldn't become a lawyer, but it was still helpful of course. It must have been fun being a juror, if I were to do the mock trial once more. I would choose to be apart of the jury, this is because it looks fun listening to two sides of a case. Then, in the end getting to decide the final verdict, however in real life it's a matter that could change someone's life. Overall, good blog post.

  2. I agree with you and I thought the Mock Trial was very fun. I was a witness and who knows whether I will be in court as a witness someday. I liked how you describe how being a juror was and it is a fun experience being able to decide who is guilty or not. It was fun to see which side was guilty and it did take a lot of work to find who the guilty person is. Who knows one day you will be selected as a juror.
