Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Jem and Scout Going to Church

The chapter starts with Jem and Scout grown a bit older. Summer came but Dill wasn't there because he had a knew father that was a lawyer like Atticus and he was building a boat with him. Calpurnia told Jem and Scout if they wanted to come to the church with her. It was a different kind of church Jem and Scout aren't use to because it was a church of African Americans. When Jem and Scout entered the church they were stopped by a lady named Lulu and she told Calpurnia what they were doing here. Calpurnia told Lulu that they were just visiting and they praise the same God. They were then greeted by reverend Sykes who preached the mass. In the church there were no books to sing so they just followed along with the reverend. Nobody could read that is why there are no books there. The reverend then told everybody to donate for Tom Robinson's wife because she has children and no job. When everyone donated there still wasn't enough so everyone had to donate more until there was enough.

I feel bad for Tom Robinson's family because they don't even have enough to take care of their children. Their family had to suffer a lot because Tom Robinson was accused of rape which most likely didn't happen. Tom Robinson's wife Helen was left alone with their children because Tom was locked up in jail. Helen has to take care of the children but she is struggling with money so the church has to help donate. Reverend Sykes is really generous because he is helping Toms family with the money. He was so desperate that he wouldn't let anyone leave unless Toms family had enough money. I hope that Atticus will step in and win this debate whether Tom is guilty or not. I hope that Tom gets out of jail to support his family.


  1. I also felt bad for Tom Robinson's family because they don't have money to take care of their children because Tom is in jail, but luckily the church is raising money and helping them. I also think that Tom Robinson did not rape no one. I also hope that Atticus and Tom will win because it's not fair for Tom Robinson and he needs to support his family. Good jog Dang with your blog!

  2. You did a good job summarizing what happened in the chapter in the right amount of words. I agree with what you said about feeling bad for the Robinsons, I hope that he can get out of jail. I also hope that Atticus can prove that he is not guilty, and that he will be able to go back home to his family.
