Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Chapter 15 To Kill A Mocking Bird

A summary of Chapter 15 is that Scout destroyed the groups mob mentality. The mob was going to hurt Atticus but he didn´t bring any weapons to defend himself which some people in society might see as dumb. But the author points out that this is actually the definition of true courage. Atticus didnt use violence because he would be a hypocrite if he did so. He is a person of integrity and so even though he didn´t think his kids were going to be there, he still didn´t use violence. Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham, individualizing him, and destroying his mob mentality by reminding him Atticus has a family and they have helped his family before. Then the mob goes away thanks to Scout.

I liked this chapter and I feel like it was a very important chapter. It shows that Scout has lots of her childhood innocence, and that it helped to get rid of the mob. It also shows that by individualizing someone you can make them feel more ashamed than if they are in a group of people. Just by having a simple conversation Scout got the men to go away and not even Atticus couldv´e done that as well because the key thing that got them to leave was Scout´s innocence. Scout was not even aware of what she had done. This is why I think it is important for people to try and keep some of their childhood  innocence even through adulthood.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job summarizing the chapter in this scene. I also like this chapter because it shows how powerful childhood innocence is. For example, we see Scout making a group of men, who wanted to harm Tom, leave by simply talking to Mr. Cunningham and using her childhood innocence. I agree with you when you say that the key thing that got the men to leave was because of the innocence of Scout. WIthout Scout's innocence, the men could have harmed Atticus and killed Tom. I also agree with you when you say that people should try to keep some of their childhood throughout their whole lives, because this innocence can help you in hard situations.
