Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Trial so Far

So we start when Jem, Dill, and Scout are in the balcony watching the case and by the time they got there. Heck take is on the witness stand and Mr. Gilmer told him to describe what happened in his own words which he did, but it looks like he left other things out. Then Atticus came and it was his churn and the first thing he ask Mr. Tate if he got a doctor and he ask this question several times. Mr. Tate kept saying no and she was beating and rape and they should've gotten a doctor to check on her at least. Then shortly after Atticus told Mr. Tate that what was her injuries and one of them was in her right eye, so this means that the pearson who did it had to be left handed.

Then Mr. Tate left the witness stand, then Bob Ewell goes to the witness stand. At first he took this all like a joke and wanted to be "the class clown". Then Mr. Tate tells his to describe it on his own words and he says that he was in the woods, and then he heard mayella scream and then he saw through the window what was happening. He tries getting in, but he gets caught in a fence and while he was trying to get out Tom escaped. Then he calls Heck Tate to check on her and arrest Tom.

In my opinion I got a little feeling that Atticus will win the trial since he did very good with Mr. Tate. I also think that because I think the jury is smart and they do not no evidence so far to prove that Tom actually did it. I am excited for what Atticus is going to do when he ask Bob ewell questions, and I hope he does good. The thing i'm worried the most is in this chapter that what if Tom losses. Another thing is if Jem, Scout, and Dill will get caught by Atticus.


  1. I'm curious as well, how Atticus will question other witnesses and if he is going to win or not. I doubt that Atticus will lose, because he's a very smart man and seems to be starting off well, and he probably will win somehow, since he's one of the main characters in the book. Atticus would possibly be mad if he finds out his children are at the trial listening and watching, though he wouldn't be that mad.

  2. Good job with your post. I also have a feeling Atticus would win the case if he was in another period of time. At his time most of the jurors were bias to the white people and almost always accused the African-American person guilty. Bob Ewell standing and pointing at Tom made a huge impact on the jury, they feel the necessity to defend Mayella now. However, Atticus has a chance, if the jury focuses on evidence then he will win but if they let their emotions Bob could potentially win. And yes, Dill, Scout and Jem might get caught by Atticus.

  3. You have a very good summary of what happened in our reading. I totally agree with your statement about Atticus being smart in his cross examinations. Where I disagree would be when you say the jury is "smart" because they don't know the evidence. It's still an all white jury, who will probably be bias. I also worry if Tom will lose. Next time, try to include an image that really shows your feeling about the reading.

  4. Very good job on this blog post, I have a feeling that Tom would be found guilty since the Jury is an all white jury. When Bob Ewell pointed at Tom that he did the crime, I think that that made the Jury want to make Tom even more guilty. I am as well worried if Tom Robinson losses this case, and be sentenced to death. Overall good job on your blog post Aldo.

  5. I like your summary you got all the important parts. I also feel like Atticus just might win. Though it is still an all white jury. Also someone always dies in the books we read for Mr. Boyle so it seems to me that Tom will probably die. Though I am still hopeful.
