Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TKAM Chapter 10 and Chapter 11

        In chapter 10, Atticus shot Tim Johnson and hit him in the head. Atticus's movements were swift, so you know he has shot things before and the bullet was a little to the right. I was surprised that Atticus hit Tim Johnson in the head. His bullets were a little to the right when he was a child. Atticus used to go hunting, but no one knows why he stopped going hunting. Atticus was the deadest shot in Maycomb County. Miss maudie tells them this and Jem says that Atticus has never told them this before. Jem and Scout say that he isn't a boring dad anymore because he used to be the deadest shot in Macomb County. Atticus doesn't want to tell his kids what he did and he doesn't want others to tell his kids what he did. We don't really know why Atticus doesn't want to tell his kids this things and just keeps it a secret. Miss Maudie says that Atticus has a good given talent of marksmanship and he is proud for his talent and what he can do with it.  Atticus would hit fourteen out of fifteen shots and he would say that he is wasting ammo. Scout and Jem seem surprised and excited about this.
       In chapter 11, Scout and Jem hate this neighbor called Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose. She lived alone except for a black girl in constant attendance. She was very old and would spend her day sleeping and in a wheelchair. Scout and Jem hated her because she would always correct them and bother them on their behavior. They had to go pass her house and she was on the front of the porch looking at them as they passed. She is mean to Scout, Jem, and Atticus. She said that it was quite a pity that Atticus didn't remarry. Atticus says to the to hold up their head high. It was Jem's twelfth birthday and Mrs.Dubose is judging them. Mrs. Dubose judges Scout on what she is wearing and she is always angry at them. Jem gets mad at Mrs. Dubose and can't stand her anymore, so he ruins everything on her property. He also does this because she made fun of Atticus. Jem got in trouble for this and Atticus thought it would have been Scout who would have done this. Atticus keeps telling them to keep their head up because they are going to deal with far more worse things.


  1. Very good job Aiden of explaining all the major events that happened in the book. I mostly liked it when you were explaining his headshot. Also in chapter 11 but you forgot to put some info that Jem broke Scout's baton. Overall this was okay but I wanted to hear more of your opinion you just retold the story. I would also like that you would put memes or gifs. To make it interesting.

  2. Good job Aiden you listed almost every detail in this chapter,you forgot to say that Jem will have to read to Mrs.Dubose because of what he did.I think that you should add your opinion about the chapter not just a summary.In my opinion I liked this chapter because we just found out that Atticus used to be a hunter and is really good at using a gun.And because Scout doesn't have to be ashamed of him anymore which I think that she should just understand that he is just old and can't do much except use a gun.

  3. Well done of explaining all of the event that had occured in chapter 10, and part of chapter 11. I feel that you put the most detail, when Atticus went to go shoot Tim Robinson, I also really liked that part of the chapter. I noticed that you did not really explain how Jem had broken Scout's baton. I wish I could hear your opinion, about Atticus and Jem's attitude towards Mrs. Dubose. Your summary was good, but I would liked to wish your opinions about the chapters that we had to read. Overall good job.
