Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Mock Trial

Today we had the mock trial. It was a lot of fun and helped me understand what happens during a trial a lot more. I was the Plaintiff and we ended up winning. During the trial, I had to testify. Publicly speaking isin't my favorite, but t actually wasn't too bad. I wasn't too nervous and I practiced and prepared for it. Because of the injuries that I had recived, I got to use cruthches. The crutches were fun, but very difficult to use. The prosecution was really good at proving that the accident was because Riley Gardener was texting and driving. MY lawyers definitely proved the burden of proof.

We went to St. Tomas school of Law and it was huge. It was also really beautiful. The campus had a huge library and many classrooms. Im really thankful that we had the opportunity to have a mock trial there and have a tour. I don't think that I will be a lawyer ever or have anything to do with the law, but It was fun to sit in the judges chair and see what it would be like to actually be in a trial. My favorite part of the mock trial was the opening and closing statements. They were my favorite part because we got to see what the lawyers thought of the case. Overall I am thankful that we got to experience this and am happy that the prosecution won. 


  1. I agree with you, I thought that the trip to the St. Thomas School of Law was so fun! You did a great job testifying, and I thought that you did well with the crutches. I can only imagine what it is like to fake use crutches. I was glad that we were able to win the case for you. The campus tour was fun as well, and I am really glad that we were able to have that experience.

  2. I agree with your thoughts and opinions on our field trip for the Mock Trial. This trip was truly a fun and unforgettable experience. The law school was very beautiful, and I was also intrigued by the classrooms and libraries. My favorite part of the trial were also the opening statements and the closing arguments as I took part in one of them. They were also very enjoyable to hear. Congratulations on your side winning!
